One of the things that keep people from changing their life is the fear of failure and lack of self-confidence to overcome this fear. Here are effective 20 tips on how to build self-confidence.

Of course, you do not have to do everything from this list, but just pick the tips you like most and try them. So if you are ready to learn how to build self-confidence, let’s start!

1. Think positive

By changing one thing, you can change your whole life. Try to look at yourself and the world in a more peaceful and positive way. Accept yourself and others for what they are and try to see the positive side in every situation.

2. Know thyself

You cannot conquer fear without knowing it well. Keep a journal about yourself and your thoughts. Try to be honest with yourself because otherwise, there is no point in doing it at all.

Then analyze your thoughts and events of the past days and weeks, and maybe you will find the cause-effect relationships. Think what is stopping you from changing your life or taking a new step.

3. Do not just think, but also act

In addition to positive thinking, you have to put it into action. In fact, actions are the key to learning how to build self-confidence. Initially, you learn to think positively, then your actions change.

4. Be kind and gentle

Being kind to others is a powerful way to improve your self-esteem. You start to feel good about yourself and believe that you are a good person.

5. Know your principles and goals

Can you name the principles which your life is built on? What are your goals in life? If you cannot easily answer these questions, think about who you are and what you came into this world for. A person of principle is a confident person. The one who knows their short-term and long-term goals in life is a successful person.

6. Improve your posture

Body language plays a huge role in how we feel about ourselves. Try to always keep your posture straight. When you walk with your back straight and your head up, looking in front of you and not down, it gives you confidence.

7. Set a small goal and achieve it

People often make a mistake when they set too big goals, then fail and give up. Instead, set more realistic goals and try to achieve them. With your every victory, no matter how big it is, you will gain self-confidence.

8. Change some habits

In the beginning, try not to deal with habits that are hard to quit, such as smoking. Change little habits, such as waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual. It should be something that you surely can do.

9. Focus on solutions – not problems

If you like complaining or focusing on your problems, change it now. Focus on solutions to the problems, not the problems. For example, instead of thinking “I’m lazy”, ask yourself where you can get more energy from.

10. Smile

Your life is not as bad as you think, and there is always a reason to smile. A genuine smile actually helps you feel happy and positive. Not only that, but you also pass your positivity on to others.

11. Be thankful

Be thankful for what you have in life, starting with the most obvious things such as family, health, etc. Be grateful for the very life that is given to you and people around you will feel it as well.

12. Self-education

Investments in yourself are one of the best strategies for building self-confidence. You can do this in many ways, but one of the most reliable ways is to expand your knowledge. The Internet is a wonderful tool, and of course, there are lots of informative books, magazines and newspapers.

13. Observe yourself

Notice how you gesticulate, talk and move. Do you avoid eye contact when you talk with someone? Or maybe you interrupt them? Do you love to give advice to others while complaining about your own life? Be honest with yourself and then things can change.

14. Be active

Doing something is better than doing nothing. Of course, when doing something, you can fail or make a mistake, but mistakes are a part of life, and we learn from them. So do not worry about it.

Just take up a new activity or hobby – sports, art, new job, parenting, travelling, learning a foreign language – anything you want as long as it fills your life with new colors.

15. Sit in the first rows

Most people try to find a seat in the back when they attend a lecture, presentation or meeting. It is caused by a subconscious fear of being watched. Conquer this fear and develop the habit of sitting in the first rows. However uncomfortable this may be, it will help you learn how to build self-confidence.

16. Don’t be afraid to make new contacts

Learn to communicate and to be first to make a contact. This will help you get more self-confidence and expand your social circle as well.

17. Public speaking

Most people are afraid of public speaking, though this is a good way to enhance self-confidence. Take the floor at meetings and presentations and do not be afraid to ask questions. This is one of the most uncomfortable yet effective strategies for how to build self-confidence.

18. Don’t compare yourself to others

There is no point in comparing yourself to others. It is useful to compare yourself only to your yesterday self.

19. Give compliments

Unfortunately, we do not often hear praise and compliments, though we all deserve it. And it negatively affects our self-confidence. Start giving compliments to others and it will return to you.

20. Spiritual practice

Not only will spiritual practice help you deal with your fears and self-doubt but also know yourself better and discover your purpose of life, as well as find peace and harmony in life.

Some of the above tips on how to build self-confidence may seem useful to you, some not. This is not the point. The point is to start changing yourself and moving towards a new life.

Try out some of these tips and they will help you build self-confidence and most importantly, change yourself and your life!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Meg Bertini

    What an insightful and helpful list! I particularly like smiling and complimenting others. Anything that gets your mind away from your worries about your confidence is very helpful!

  2. Jerermy

    This just reading it is making me feeling better already

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