Learn how to use the potential of your brain: strategies to boost your brain power and cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, and focus

How to Improve Your Practical Intelligence with These 9 Activities

There are three basic intelligence types, analytical, creative and practical intelligence. For now, we shall focus on practical knowledge. Practical intelligence, also known as “hands-on” learning is the most comprehensive way of picking up new talents and gifts. Although analytical thinking gives your brain a workout, and creative thinking can…

How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes with These 13 Mind Hacks

Everyone wants to think like Sherlock Holmes, the most famed and impressive detective of all time. Although he is a fictional character, Sherlock Holmes is famous for his intelligent detective skills and sharp perception. To many, it may seem as though real people could never reach this level of awareness.…

The Art of Divided Attention and How to Master It to Boost Your Productivity

We view divided attention or multitasking negatively, but it can be greatly beneficial to boost productivity. Divided attention has a negative connotation of not giving tasks your full focus. Although this can be true, there are ways to hone your multitasking skills to increase your productivity. All it takes is…

How to Use the Power of Suggestion to Transform Your Life

The power of suggestion is much stronger than you realize. Its fantastical reputation holds many truths. I know, for a fact, that the spoken word is powerful. I’ve learned this through my own spiritual endeavors and watching things happen according to either the positive or negative affirmations I make from…