Has an Alien Signal Been Detected? SETI Research and the First Contact

Astronomers have detected mysterious radio bursts from a galaxy 1.5 billion light-years away. So could this be an alien signal? Before we talk about an alien signal, let's mention that the universe is an overwhelmingly vast and silent space. This is because sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. But…

The Sahara Desert May Have Been Created by Early Humans, Study Suggests

Majestic in its sandy beauty, the Sahara Desert has always been an iconic image of the beauty and power of nature. Even though difficult to imagine, just a mere 12,000 years ago, the endless heat and lifeless sands were a vibrant resort filled with lakes, grassland, and rain. With this…

History of Civilization and Climate Change: What We Can Learn from the Past

As the history of civilization proves, we are not the first who have managed to influence the Earth's climate. Since 2014, each year the scientists have been warning that that was the hottest year since 1880. The Earth's pre-industrial average temperature was 57. 3 Fahrenheit or 13.6 Celsius. According to numerous…

5 Stone Monuments of Unknown Origin That Puzzle the Scientific Community

The reason why these five stone monuments were constructed still remains unknown. Why did people do the things they did in the past? Historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists have sought the answer to this question for decades, but often without much success. Finding proof to support a theory is perhaps the…

5 ‘Impossible’ Engineering Marvels of the Ancient World

Through the engineering marvels of the ancient world, we learn the most about the civilizations that existed thousands of years ago. Structures that consist only of one stone can be traced all the way back to the Neolithic era. So-called monolithic structures are what their name suggests, one large rock…

King Tutankhamun Carried a Dagger Made out of Meteorite

Many things have been told about King Tutankhamun. Space travel, aliens, meteorites. Let's clarify it as much as we can. It’s all over the internet, “King Tut wielded a blade from space!”, or something of that nature. The headlines grasp our attention immediately, causing us to drop what we’re doing…