‘Time Machine’ Is Created to Study the Ancient Universe

What if we could look into the depths of the ancient universe? It could be that there is more reality to this statement than it sounds. After seven years of research, scientists from the University of California (UCLA) have managed to construct an instrument called ‘time machine’ which allows them…

Big Bang: What Did It Look Like?

It looks like we are getting closer to uncovering the origins of our universe. Scientists at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, used the Large Hadron Collider to generate a controlled mini-'Big Bang' to understand how it could have happened in reality. The aim of the experiment was to determine how exactly…

Is There Any Scientific Evidence That Parallel Worlds Exist?

The human mind has pondered about the question of whether parallel worlds exist for a long time. What does science have to say? While many people consider it nothing more than a weird science fiction/fantasy idea, a number of scientists nowadays are not only ready to take this hypothesis seriously…