Alien Life Could Exist Inside the Black Holes, Claims Russian Scientist

Russian scientist believes in the possibility that highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations might live inside the black holes. Black holes in space, as we all know, ‘swallow’ anything found before them. All objects that fall into the trap of black holes get lost in the "eternal oblivion." It seems that some…

What Would Happen If a Black Hole Passed Near Our Solar System?

Black holes are one of the most frightening phenomena that exist in space. Their gravitational force is so strong that they distort space and time beyond possible limits. Therefore, it begs a question what could happen if such a monster suddenly appeared close to our solar system? Before answering this question,…

Wormholes and Quantum Entanglement Seem to Be Linked

What is the link between quantum entanglement and a wormhole? Wormholes in the space-time continuum, which are a great method of the rapid movements between different parts of the universe, are certainly well known to the readers of science fiction. Moreover, the concept of wormholes is well described in the…

Our Universe Is a Hologram, Say Japanese Scientists

There are many points of view on the origin of the universe: from scientific theories and single hypotheses to philosophical and religious assumptions. One of the most common is the so-called Big Bang theory, according to which, the universe originated more than 13 billion years ago and is constantly expanding.…

5 Most Interesting Alternative Theories about the Universe

Considering the fact that humans will not be able to travel to the moon for the second time, without even mentioning other planets in the solar system, scientists are creating quite organized and compelling theories regarding the composition and origin of our universe. These alternative theories about the universe are…

Could Black Holes Be the Portals to Other Universes?

Many theories about black holes that exist in space were developed over time. These space objects are certainly among the most intriguing ones. But could they be the portals to other universes? It seems that black holes might be even more fascinating than we expected! The prevailing opinion says that…

Top 7 Intriguing Space Mysteries With No Solid Explanation

Outer space has always attracted and perplexed humans. Space mysteries fascinated, perturbed our imagination, and forced us to go deeper into the unknown. However, the more people studied space, the more mysteries they have come across. At the moment, scientists came up with seven major space mysteries, the number of…