What Is Status Quo Bias and How It Leads You to a Mediocre Life

Status quo bias is a powerful cognitive bias that can affect you so severely that it leads you to live a mediocre life. There are many different cognitive biases which can have a powerful impact on our psyches and our lives. One of the most common ones is status quo…

6 Signs Your Resistance to Change Ruins Your Life & How to Overcome It

Resistance to change may ensure your comfort and familiarity. But it can also ruin your life by limiting your potential. I’ll be honest. I have always hated change. It seems that just when I’ve become comfortable, something threatens to take that comfort away from me, forcing me to re-evaluate the…

7 Hidden Causes of Fear That Could Explain Why You Avoid Some Things in Life

We, as humans, are afraid of many things, sometimes developing severe phobias. So, what are the hidden causes of our fear? What are the reasons for these reactions? When I was a little girl, I was afraid of the forest surrounding my house, but only at night. During the day,…

Does Your Life Feel Like a Groundhog Day? Here’s How to Get Yourself Unstuck

Do you remember the movie Groundhog Day? Well, life sometimes feels stuck just like with the characters in that movie. Learn how to fix that. You might be going through life feeling pretty happy and then all of a sudden, you realize you’ve hit a dead end. Life seems stuck…boring,…

How to Use Transtheoretical Model to Change Your Negative Behaviours

The transtheoretical model of behaviour is a new theory that is being applied to many aspects of therapy. This behaviour model looks into new techniques someone has learned within a controlled environment. It then assesses whether or not they are prepared to use that technique in their everyday lives. The…

What Is Psychological Deflection and How It Might Be Blocking Your Growth

Psychological deflection is often considered a narcissistic abuse tactic. However, you might be using it too without even knowing. Deflection, by definition, is a method of changing the course of an object, an emotion, or thought from its original source. Psychological deflection is seen as a narcissistic abuse tactic used…