New Revolutionary Theory Claims Dark Energy Will Eventually ‘Swallow’ the Universe

An international research team came up with a new shocking theory about the possible future of the universe suggesting that the mysterious dark energy "swallows" the not less mysterious dark matter. According to the study authors, in case their theory is right, we will “end up with a big, empty…

There Could Be Half as Much Dark Matter in the Milky Way as Previously Thought

Dark matter has never been easy to understand, neither has it been a piece of cake to measure. According to recently attained measurements, however, it seems that there is only half the amount of dark matter in the Milky Way than what we previously thought. If you have no idea…

Scientists Create an Amazingly Accurate Model of the Evolution of the Universe

For the first time, scientists have simulated the evolution of the universe on a computer and have got such accurate results. The digital universe seems indistinguishable from the real one. The computer model will help test theories about how the universe works and what it consists of. A group of…

Dark Matter Could Be Responsible for Asteroid Impacts on Earth

The mysterious dark matter that fills the entire universe could make devastating asteroids and comets fall onto the Earth, causing mass extinctions, including the one of mankind. American physicists claim to have found evidence for the correctness of this theory in craters on the surface of the Earth. Lisa Randall…

Gamma-Rays at the Center of Our Galaxy May Come from Dark Matter

New data from NASA's Fermi Space Telescope show that the center of our galaxy produces far greater amounts of high gamma-ray energy. The origin of these gamma-rays could possibly be explained by the presence of the mysterious dark matter. A team of scientists led by astrophysicist Dan Hooper of the…

CERN Scientists Will Try to Prove the Antigravity Theory

Having confirmed in practice the existence of the Higgs boson, experts at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) proceeded to check the theory of the existence of antigravity. This was reported by the British media. According to the theory, antimatter generates its own gravitational field, which, in contrast to…

Top 7 Intriguing Space Mysteries With No Solid Explanation

Outer space has always attracted and perplexed humans. Space mysteries fascinated, perturbed our imagination, and forced us to go deeper into the unknown. However, the more people studied space, the more mysteries they have come across. At the moment, scientists came up with seven major space mysteries, the number of…