5 Remarkable Examples of Animal Intelligence That Will Leave You in Awe

Animal intelligence could stretch to more than just an elephant’s excellent memory! As these examples will reveal. The intelligence of animals surpasses what we realize. But the first question is, how is animal intelligence measured? There have been many experiments carried out that could prove animal intelligence really exists. We…

3 Creepy Stephen Hawking’s Predictions about the Future of Humankind

There are some of Stephen Hawking's predictions that none of us want to be around to see – from the apocalypse to aliens. Several conspiracy theories have been placed in the very center of many of Stephen Hawking's statements. Many of them were just noticed at the time before his…

Why Do We Get Wrinkled Fingertips in Water? Evolutionary Quirks Explained

Have you ever wondered why you get wrinkled fingertips if you are in the water for long periods of time? It’s actually a neat evolutionary quirk, developed over time, designed to enable us to survive. So how does it work? Why do our fingertips get wrinkled when in water? Not…

7 Controversial Theories of Evolution That Will Give You Food for Thought

It’s that age-old question – how did we get here? Theories of evolution can help us understand our origins. And yes, there are controversial ones. Whether you believe it or not, I would imagine that the majority of us have heard of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin believed in natural…

Gaia Hypothesis: Are All Living Beings on Earth Interconnected?

The Gaia hypothesis, or Gaia theory, is a hypothesis suggesting that everything which lives on Gaia interacts with their surroundings to form a symbiotic circle, where everything affects each other to continue the lifecycle of planet Earth. This hypothesis was first developed by a man called James Lovelock, helped by…

Jung’s Collective Unconscious and How It Explains Phobias and Irrational Fears

Ever wondered how your collective unconscious can affect your everyday behaviour? Are you afraid of snakes but never actually seen one? You’re not alone. In fact, it seems the inner psyche has been the topic of study for many scientists - but one, in particular, stands out to this day.…

The Psychology of Conformity or Why Do We Have the Need to Fit in?

What are the answers to the psychology of conformity? Why exactly do we do it? In today's crowded society, we all seek to find something about ourselves that is unique. However, by its very definition, conformity means to change behaviours in order to fit in with the people around you.…