5 Underestimated Soft Skills You Should Master to Succeed in Life

There are some soft skills that most people do not realize are important. Yet, they can be crucial for achieving success in life. Each of us has unique traits and abilities which in many ways determine our whole life. Certain qualities of a person sometimes become decisive when it comes…

What Is Growth Mindset and 3 Ways You Can Cultivate It, According to Science

Having a growth mindset means you believe your skills can be honed and developed. How to cultivate this way of thinking to reach success? The road to success is paved with failure. There’s more than a kernel of truth to this old adage and it is closely linked to the…

7 Signs Your Abstract Thinking Is Highly Developed (and How to Further Advance It)

Abstract thinking is the ability to think about things that are not actually present. People who think in an abstract way look at the broader significance of ideas and information rather than the concrete details. Abstract thinkers are interested in the deeper meaning of things and the bigger picture. Is your…

How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills with These 8 Science-Backed Techniques

We all have many problems to solve every day. But have you ever thought how improving your problem-solving skills could make you more successful? Every day we are bombarded with problems that need solving. Many of these are mundane everyday problems, such as how to fit in your child’s dance…

What Is Introverted Intuition and How to Use Its Power to the Fullest

If your dominant cognitive function is Introverted Intuition, you have gifts and powers that can improve your life and make a difference in the world. What is introverted intuition? The “N” in INFJ, INFP, INTP, and INTJ personality types stands for iNtuition. This means that these personality types gather and process information primarily…

How to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills with These 8 Strategies

Our modern education system doesn't aim to develop one's critical thinking skills, but quite the opposite. These science-backed strategies will help you enhance yours. Critical thinking (CT) involves an objective analysis of a situation by way of collecting information from sources that are available to you and then making an…

7 Confessions of an INTP Female

INTP personality type is one of the rarest, making just 3% of the population. This means that an INTP female is literally an endangered species, with 1%. What makes women with INTP type so rare? Probably, a set of unusual personality traits and quirks, most of which are not typical…