How to Have Self-Control in Difficult Situations with 5 Strategies

How different would your life look if you had better self-control? Learning how to have self-control is one of the most valuable skills a person can have. Improving it will go a long way in helping you handle difficult situations. Like anything, this is a skill that you can develop,…

14 Examples of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation and How to Use Both

We all need that push to complete mundane or overwhelming tasks. That's what motivation provides. These are big words, but we'll make them more digestible. We'll also show you examples of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and explain how to use both types. What is extrinsic and intrinsic motivation People may…

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership: How to Boost This Powerful Connection

Does your ability to lead others all come down to your EQ? Cognitive intelligence is, of course, important - especially for leadership. But if you're looking to really improve how you lead others, emotional intelligence and leadership go hand-in-hand. More information and research are revealing how this emotional intelligence, or EQ,…

What Is Negativity Bias and 6 Ways It Secretly Affects Your Perception

Ever wondered by the negative things always stick in your mind more than the positive? The reason is negativity bias. What is negativity bias and why are we prone to it? It’s common to hold on to the negative things said about us rather than the compliments we receive. They…

What Is Pygmalion Effect and How It Can Bring Positive Results

In a position of power, how you treat those below you makes a huge difference, as proved by the Pygmalion Effect. Whether we are looking after children, managing staff, or coaching a team, our behavior has a direct influence. It is all too easy to see some as more capable…

What Is the Zeigarnik Effect and How to Use It to Beat Procrastination

If you need a way to stop procrastination, the Zeigarnik Effect may be able to help you. Procrastination is difficult to quit. Sometimes starting a task seems to be the hardest thing to do, so we put it off. If you want to stop avoiding work and increase your efficiency,…