How to Quiet Your Monkey Mind with 6 Science-Backed Strategies

The term, “monkey mind” derives from the Buddhist’s interpretation of a restless, confused, and all sorts of chaotic thoughts. Do you have this problem? Hey guys, do you wake in the morning with restless thoughts running all over the place? Do you get up and feel confused because there are…

Summer Depression: 6 Signs You Suffer from It and How to Cope

Seasonal depression isn’t just about suffering in the wintertime. Summer depression is also a problem and can be just as debilitating. Seasonal depression disorder is known as the almost paralyzing feeling of depression which generally attacks during the fall/winter months. I know this condition well and struggle horribly just to…

Why Are We as Lonely and Depressed as Never Before? 6 Science-Backed Reasons

People seem lonely and depressed even more so than in past times. Can science help us understand why? Depression has always been a melancholy friend, but it didn't seem to take as much precedent then as it does today. Loneliness and depression seem to be in every household now, leading…

Gaia Hypothesis: Are All Living Beings on Earth Interconnected?

The Gaia hypothesis, or Gaia theory, is a hypothesis suggesting that everything which lives on Gaia interacts with their surroundings to form a symbiotic circle, where everything affects each other to continue the lifecycle of planet Earth. This hypothesis was first developed by a man called James Lovelock, helped by…

11 Relaxation Techniques to Help You Cope with Negativity, Anxiety and Stress

A healthy mind is necessary for your physical development and career success. Here are some effective relaxation techniques backed by science which will help you achieve mental wellness. Stress is a fact of life. Everything from traffic congestion to looming deadlines can make us stressed. Our brains issue a stress…