Terrence Malick: the Intriguing Movies and Philosophy

Terrence Malick's movies are unique, but they are also divisive. You either like them or you don’t. Some will think Terrence Malick's movies as groundbreaking, insightful, and moving pieces of work, whilst others may believe they are pretentious, laborious, and unengaging. So why do Malick’s films have such a polarising…

The Five Buddha Families and How They Can Help You Understand Yourself

The Five Buddha Families are a vital principle in Buddhist philosophy. Buddhism is primarily concerned with reaching a state of Enlightenment, wholly separated from the individualistic and earth-bound tendencies of the Ego. Through the purging of ego-based beliefs and emotions, we grow to inhabit a space of Connection and Oneness…

What Is Perennial Philosophy and How It Can Open Your Mind

Perennial philosophy is a strand of philosophical thought prevalent in culture since the Renaissance. It became popularised in the 20th century where these ideas became widespread across academia and society. Perennial philosophy is a viewpoint that provides an interesting outlook on the practice of many religious faiths. It is a…