9 Examples of Soft Skills You’ll Need for Career Success

Many careers in today's marketplace rely on soft rather than hard skills — especially when leadership and management are concerned. Today, we will explore a few examples of soft skills that can prove useful for career progress because they boost your problem-solving ability. They are essential not only for top-management…

Different Problem-Solving Styles: What Type of Problem Solver Are You?

Problems. Problems. Problems. Life is full of little and big problems, and often it turns out that the big ones are in fact series of little ones. We all come across problems in our lives. It’s how we deal with them that’s interesting. Experts say there are different kinds of…

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence and What It Reveals

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence was a revolutionary approach to human intelligence which took into account much more than empirical data. Robert Sternberg developed his Triarchic Theory of Intelligence in the 1980s as an attempt to understand human intelligent in terms of components rather than ability. Contrary to the beliefs…

How to Improve Your Practical Intelligence with These 9 Activities

There are three basic intelligence types, analytical, creative and practical intelligence. For now, we shall focus on practical knowledge. Practical intelligence, also known as “hands-on” learning is the most comprehensive way of picking up new talents and gifts. Although analytical thinking gives your brain a workout, and creative thinking can…