What Are Kindred Spirits and How to Recognize If You Have a Kindred Spirit Connection with Someone

Finding a kindred spirit is one of the most joyous experiences a human can have. Here’s how to recognize the kindred spirits in your life. For human beings, relationships are the most important aspects of life. We are social animals and the connections we make with others give our life…

Dreams of the Deceased: a Message from the ‘Other Side’ or a Trick of the Subconscious Mind?

What do the dreams of the deceased mean? Are they actually messages from the spirit world or just a product of our subconsciousness? Two years ago, something terrible happened in our family – my grandfather had a stroke. He fell into a coma and eventually died two days later. This…

Why Souls Come Back: a Study of Reincarnation

What is déjà vu? Some believe it’s an echo of recognition resonating through the curtain that separates one incarnation from another. For one brief moment, two separate but interconnected lives make contact through a flicker of metaphysical commonality. Maybe that’s true; maybe it isn’t. But a recent article in Learning-Mind…