Mystics claim that the world of our dreams can be a connection to other worlds, inaccessible to our waking consciousness, so it is not a coincidence that since ancient times, it was believed that dreams of dead people are an important sign that must not be ignored.

The dead come to our dreams with a message, advice or warning that should be understood in order to avoid unnecessary troubles and keep ourselves from making mistakes, according to mystics.

Psychologists believe that dreams about relatives or friends who have passed away are just a manifestation of depression or feelings of guilt towards them.

However, let’s take a closer look at the mystical point of view and try to understand what messages can be carried by people who are now alive only in our memories and can talk to us only through our dreams.

Modern dream books often do not pay enough attention to many important nuances: what the dead people look like in our dreams – dead in the grave, alive and happy, or they come to life right before our eyes, or maybe we just do not remember in our dream that this person passed away long ago.

Interpretations of dreams about deceased people

It is commonly assumed that the dream of a dead person (talking to him, listening to his advice, and doing what he tells) is a sign of unexpected news or changes in life. Christian dream interpretation books sometimes explain that we have such kind of dreams when the soul of our deceased relative or friend has not found peace yet, and advise to hold additional ceremonies at the funeral and repose of the deceased (for example, if in the dream the deceased asks for water).

Pagan interpretations of dreams that have come down to us recommend to implicitly obey everything that the dead person asks for, in order to avoid the anger of the gods. And while dreaming dead people may be scary, sometimes it can be a good omen.

In case if in your dream a dead person comes back to life, it may mean that something lost will soon return (money, a thing, or even social status).

An English dream book interprets the dream of dead people as a sign of good events in the family, such as a wedding or the birth of a child or anything happy and prosperous. Another dream book says that seeing a dead relative in a dream before the wedding is a warning against the union. This dream indicates the unhappy marriage and warns that the children born in it will be sick and weak.

What about the dreams of a deceased relative?

At this point, there is no definitive interpretation, and you should always take into account many confounding factors. But most interpretations concerning dead relatives (especially parents) appearing in a dream indicate a warning of trouble.

Sometimes the dreams in which a sleeping person communicates with their deceased parents, help find inner peace, confidence, and even affect the success in business and the well-being of the family.

It is also believed that it is impossible to influence the dreams in which we see our dead loved ones. Mystics claim that even if you manage to do it, it is absolutely useless, since it is not us who call them in, it is them who decide to come to us.

For further information, check my recent article about the dreams of the deceased.

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This Post Has 460 Comments

  1. Sumbrela

    Sorry but this article told me absolutely nothing about what it means if we dream of a dead relative /:

  2. Michelle

    Hi…So I am just going to get right to it. My twin brother passed away when we were two (drowning in the backyard pool). I am 19 now. I have never dreamed of him before, up until now…but it’s not exactly a pleasant dream and I wish it would stop.

    They are always different- but it’s always the same plot- I try to bring him back to life- all in different ways. But it never works, and the dream always ends the same- I view my brother, at the age of 2, face down floating in a body of water.

    It’s a horrible horrible dream. I feel hopeful that it will work and helpless trying to do all the tasks that I have to do to bring him back and all I feel is despair and longing at the end, and then I wake up..

    Any reasons behind this dream??

    1. adama

      It means that there was nothing you could have done to save him. Dreaming it in different ways showing that it always ends up the saMr because it was suppose to happen that way and to just let it go.

  3. ARUN

    From last two weeks I’m watching dreams of dead peoples. Sometimes in the dreams its me or a person with me who is killing them and sometimes they are already dead and don’t know any of them and have never seen them before. What does these dreams means?

  4. Adam Vala

    How do I bring my grandma back to life? I will do anything to bring my grandma back to life. I keep dreaming of my grandma. I miss my grandma so much. Please come back to this earth grandma. Prosim. Ja udelam co koliv at se vratis spatky

  5. charlene

    You defiantly miss your twin, your other half so to say, and you will meet again. But in the meantime you are reliving the experience only because now you can. Its not bad though, so think of it as a divorce which is the same thing (to some) as a death of a loved one.

  6. Raya

    Short nutshell…
    1 cousin died 12 years ago (about) (electrocuted at home with a welder) (about 14 years old when he died)

    1 cousin died last year or 2 years ago (electrocuted at work installing train cables) (about 30 years old when he died)

    Both cousins on my fathers side. (1st cousin was his sisters and 2nd brothrs child)

    I’m dreaming about them on and of the past 2 months….
    HAPPY DREAMS where we laugh (all i really remember is we were happy)

    I havent seen the 1st cousin from 4 years before his death
    and second cousin about 12 years before his death (we spoke once on the phone in that 12 years and a few times (maybe 10) on facebook)

  7. tosha

    My cousin passed away last month. I keep dreaming of her. In my first dream she was holding her nephew who is a couple months old. And in my last dream, her heart stopped at the age in which she died then started back up as a lil baby girl in my arms. I’m not sure what’s going on. Please any advice?

  8. boitumelo


  9. Royal

    Any relative, friend or loved one who passes away is reborn within a time frame. Depending on their level of awareness of consciousness the time will vary. Time does not really exist but as society puts it. That person is most likely reborn into the lives of people from their previous birth. (Sometimes you get the feeling that you have known someone forever even though you just met, it is called soul grouping). When you dream of a loved one it means you are communicating with them on another dimension..physical reality is supposed to be 3D (3rd Dimension) but when the physical body dies the consciousness goes to a higher or lower dimension, depending on the way the physical life was lived. Embrace your loved ones in dreams they are most times trying to understand their death in order to be reborn. Have faith in seeing them again because they will be back, for those who have the baby dreams. Through personal experience and research a baby is born to one of the closest persons to the deceased within atleast 2 years after the death.:)

  10. Me

    So I had a dream of this girl I knew in grade school she died after high school sometime we really weren’t friends but I had a dream of her at a party hitting some girl and then turning to me and smiling after this dream I had of another person older woman like in her maybe late eighties anyways she kept telling me I was in trouble and than her husband said when he dies he wants me to put him next to her, but she was up looking right at me making me feel like I did something wrong I don’t know what this means

  11. jesse

    I had a dream not like anything I’ve had before. I dreamt the Annabel doll was sitting on my chest staring into my eyes all I could see was it’s head and darkness in the background an I felt like it was looking into my soul trying to get in it scared the crap of me. But the thing is the second the dream started I was awake but couldn’t move or open my eyes. It lasted a couple of mins and I was able to finally break free I guess is the word to use. Fir about a couple of mins afterwards every time I tried to close my eyes I saw its face like it was waiting for me. I have never ad a dream like that. Any thoughts. Also I dreamed if a cousin of mine that died abut 13 years ago I wast trying to bring him back or anything it was like he g ad never died. Me and him and three girls were standing outside this old house that the girls lived in and it as haunted by this dead witch and her bull familier I’m sure I spelled that wrong. Anyway two of the girls I knew the third I didn’t. I never saw their faces but I knew who they were. They wanted us to go in and fight off the ghosts and I was ready to do it but my cousin was adamant that we didn’t even set foot in the house I think he was trying to tell me something but I wouldn’t listen and I don’t understand why I wouldn’t. Any thoughts on this as well.

  12. kim

    I dream of my best friend from high school Mother, who had passed on last year, her mom was running late, Mrs.Long, I went to go check outside and there was a line out side to get in, so I saw her and told her to come on, another friend who had lost her son last year,I saw here in the line so I told her to follow me into the church, we went to the front because the point was that Mrs Long wanted to sing because someone has passed n her family, which was her daughter Nancy, which is alive and well, anyway Mrs long couldn’t sing because they had already sing, but than they let her sing and she was happy, while My friend Tammy just disappear some where, her son died a terrible death, after all that we came outside and seen some cars had broken windows, than her great granddaughter appeared FeFe, I think it was just a crazy dream, too much going on, too much to tell

  13. tracy

    OK… I’ve had four different dreams of the deceased well three and a white dog I need a little help. The first one was of my ex was murdered ten years ago and I keep dreaming of him and sometimes my son is in the dream but he is not my sons father we was at the house we we use to live and I was braiding his hair when I was done we left walking and he went the other way.the second dream about was my dear godmother she passed away a few months ago and in that dream I was at the fish market and she pulled up with her husband and I ran out to her and she said u thought I wasn’t coming back and huged me. The third dream was of a old friend she died in a car accident I really didn’t remember the dream but when I woke up I new I dreamed of her.OK now the dog. I have a puppy myself and in the dream I had two dogs and I was leaving and going somewhere I ran back inside for something and looked and saw that the dog was dead and it’s head was gone it was a White dog. Can someone help me idk what is going on.Thanks….

  14. arleen

    Lately I’ve been dreaming of my grandpa, about 3 times I think, and they’re all the same. He died in January but in the dream he always comes back to life but doesn’t say a word and just smiles and goes about his day like normal. I’m always so happy to see him and I ask him how did this happen and what to tell everybody but he doesn’t say anything he just laughs and smiles like he used to. Could you please interpret the dream a little more for me, it would be so helpful. Thank you 🙂

    1. Anonymous

      If he isn’t saying anything that means the dream has no meaning and it’s not a visitation dream it’s just a demon who got into ur dream and came as him. It is nothing

  15. Shelly

    My mother passed away 7mths ago today and they day before yesterday was the first time I dreamed of her. In my dream someone said there go your mother I turned and their she was but I couldn’t speak to her or touch her even when I tryed to get closer she would disappear. Then dream felt so real that I woke up crying hurt and thinking my mother was back. What does that mean exactly I really need to know?

  16. Chanda Frazier

    I had a dream about my kids father.Me and him was at his aunts funeral and she had passed away but he was still alive what does it mean.And another dream that we was in the house together but he never talks to me.But he is always there.

  17. Lucozade

    I dreamt about my Grandfather who passed away 5 years ago. In the dream my whole family were in an airport and our flight home was delayed, he was sitting on the ground in a white tshirt against a white wall and he told me “I’m giving up” and i was trying to help him by giving him medication and calling him an ambulance but he didn’t want to be helped he just wanted to sit there and give up. It was a really upsetting dream I don’t like to think he might be suffering now wherever his soul is. Can anyone offer some opinions? My heart is broken since I had the dream

  18. Roshni

    I lost my grandpa 4years ago and ever since he comes in my dreams very often.. I miss him soo much . He was my favorite and so was I, as I was his only granddaughter. Dreams are soo natural as if he is around me..talkin to me .. what does all these mean.. kindly somebody help me.I m desperately waiting to know about it

  19. Samantha

    My uncle passed away in July. He had been my best friend and like a second father to me. When he died a piece of me went with him. He died in a paragliding accident in Slovenia. I was never able to say goodbye. The morning of his death I had a dream he was teaching me to fly. (To paraglide) but as he was showing me the wing messed up and he fell. I ran over and asked him if he was okay. He got up dusted himself off and laughed. He told me he was okay and he smiled at me. Then I woke up to the sound of my other uncle knocking on my dads bedroom door. My dad opened the door and I heard my other uncle tell my dad “I hate to wake you up like this man.. But Bud was in an accident. He didn’t make it.”
    Just this morning I had a dream I was outside and he was alive again but I hadn’t seen him yet. Then I look up and see him walking towards me with his big smile and his laugh and I burst into tears and ran to him and hugged him and I wouldn’t stop crying. He just held me and then I woke up..

  20. madona

    I dreamt about my dead’s mom nd my mother..both seemed to be missing me..i wanted to stay back with them but i had my exam i could not stay back.what does this mean??????

  21. Verla Barton

    I have been having what people say is a “visitation dream”. In my dream my husband (who died 4 years ago) is alive. I have such a happy feeling in the dream but when I wake up and realize it was only a dream I’m suddenly sad. It’s like I just lost him again. These dreams upset me because I want to go back to sleep where he was alive. The dreams are very vivid and the feelings I have after the dream is that I wish I hadn’t had the dream and I can’t get them off of my mind. I have been told that I should be happy that my husband visited me in my dream but I don’t. I spend the day thinking about the dream and crying.

    1. Britni

      My grandpa passed away in March, I was very close with him my whole life. But, since he’s passed I’ve had 2 super vivid dreams of him being so alive and happy. The first one I went to visit him, and we just talked for what felt like ever and the 2nd one we, as a family, went to a restaurant, and he was there, very much a live, and very happy to see me. He just kept hugging me and telling me how much he loved me. It was so hard waking up, because I didn’t even realize at first that it was a dream. It’s a very bitter-sweet thing.

  22. Debra Aragon

    My mom had a dream of 4 of her ralatives all in the same dream. They are all deceased but where alive in the dream and together. It was her Mom & Dad..a close aunt and her husband.They where all in the same house in which my Moms parents lived in.

  23. Alex

    I’ve only dreamt of 3 dead people before. My aunt, my great grandmother, and a boyfriend. My aunt supposedly committed suicide but all of the family suspects murder. In the dream I saw her and she was frantically trying to tell me something but I could not hear her voice, as if she was on mute. I proceeded to tell her that she was dead and I didn’t understand how I was talking to her. When I told her she was dead, she stopped talking and paused for a moment. Then she smiled as if it was ok and disappeared. In the dream about my great grandmother she was happy and there was a strange kind of sunshine, and I did hear her voice, but only a few words, and they were “It’s beautiful here.” The dream(s) about my boyfriend were much more complicated. He had been in the army and committed suicide after he was out. In one dream I was running from something unseen and I attempted to jump over a cliff and was barely hanging on, about to fall, and a man camoflauged in a guillie suit grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I asked who my rescuer was and he took off his mask, revealing my dead boyfriend. He never talked, almost as if he knew I couldn’t hear him (like in the other dreams I could not heat their voices). In a separate dream we were on a boat and for once in a dream about him the sun was shining through the boat windows. He had his back to me. He was dressed in a suit. As I entered the room he turned to face me and his eyes lit up just like they used to. He took my hands in his and it occurred to me that I was wearing a wedding dress. We were apparently getting married. As he held my hands he looked me in the eyes smiling and I heard his voice for the first time in my dreams. He said “It’s ok.” That was the last dream I had about him, and the last words I ever heard from him. As short as they were, it was comforting. That was my experiences summarized. There were more dreams but those were mostly bits and pieces and hard to explain. I hope that maybe my posting on here somehow helps someone else that finds this page.

  24. harshini

    hey ya hi i just wanna know one thing that i had got a dream that my uncle who had passed away a year ago had came to my dream and he was trying to hit me and wanna kill me what does this meant by ?????

    1. Nunuya

      I would say he is very angry at you for something you have done or are doing, most likely to or with another family member.

  25. Cripsy

    My dad passed away 10 years ago…a very slow and painful death and I’ve never really recovered. He was my dad and my best friend and I miss him every day.

    I often dream that he actually didn’t die; he went into hiding so he could live with his other family. I run into him and am so happy he’s alive, but he wants nothing to do with me.

    I wake up from these dreams feeling just awful…they can ruin my whole day. Does anyone here have any thoughts on what the heck this means? I do have occasional dreams about him where he’s just there and I’m comforted, but these ‘he’s not dead’ ones are driving me insane.

    1. Nunya

      Did he actually have another family? Either way it sounds like you may feel ,even irrationally, betrayed by him. Maybe angry at him for “abandoning” you. You say you haven’t really recovered so this is probably just some emotions you haven’t dealt with coming up in your dreams. Maybe counseling or a grief group could help. Just my unprofessional opinion. Hope it helps

    2. Leo

      go to his graveyard to visit him take some flowers and live some change money above his grave you will be find afterward!

  26. Elizabeth E.Obregon

    Ilike to know why I dream of my stepsister and my stepbrother and my alive son my step siblings are dead

  27. Daniel Ogie

    Just dreamt of my best friend who died almost 2 years ago in a boat accident the body was never found, in this dream we where happy I did not even remember that he was dead until I woke up, in that dream we just talked normal. God bless the dead.

  28. Leo

    Just had a dream the my Dad who passed away 4 years ago fro cancer visited me and my Wife in a restaurant. My wife and I were sitting in a crowded room while he was sitting in a room next to ours with a blonde lady sitting next to him. We had a lengthy conversation in which I told him that we wanted him to move in with us so that we can take those trips we used to take along the country-side. He started weeping as I asked if I can go over to sit with him. He kept saying no but I forced the issue and when I did sit as his table both of them were gone. I was left eating by myself waiting for him to get back but he never did. What does this mean? Seemed very vivid, more lucid then any dream I’ve had in years.

  29. Logan

    My grandma passed away in September of last year. My family moved into her house in March. I had a dream two nights ago. It was in two parts: one was me trying to have a good first day at school. The second was me stumbling into my living room with my parents, aunts, and uncles. They were sitting on her couch and the paint was melting off the walls like a goo. I looked over and saw my grandma spread out like she was at the viewing, on the recliner. My family were almost standing around her like the funeral. Then her body animated and her head rotated towards me and looked at me with the same cold smile. My Aunt Robin said in my Grandma Richhart’s voice,” in or out of my house.” My Grandma then opened her eyes and there was only sockets. this was when i scarred myself awake. What does it mean?

  30. Nicole

    It’s been about 9 months or so after the death of my 15 year old friend which is now 16 as of a few weeks ago. I obviously had cried because of her death (close to her at one point) but i never had a dream about her until last night. So my friend susan never had a quince but in my dream she did. Anyways, we were in this private restaurant looking theme like old wood looking beauty and the beast type of setting so it was cute lol kind of if you mixed once upon a time and the cartoon settings. Omg so out of topic but anyways, my friend susan had asked me to crown her and it was like an honor to me but her friends thought our friend becky deserved more. Then i said wait… “Do you see jenny next to susan?!” And we all hugged her and she asked “you all can see me?” And we told her she was pulling to hard from the other side so thays why we could see her. So we all talk, nothing to important just yet, but oh, she did tell us God was forgiving or something in that line and also she made it to heaven(so happy for her!) so im looking at my dress while we walk and we’re outside so she doesnt want to be seen and im wondering if i can channel her through thoughts and i asked if she could grant me a new makeover from head to toe and she did. So we’re inside my friends quince and someone disguised to be susan so we could talk to her but we just sat in the back and chilled so i went to jenny and asked her why i was able to that and why she did thay and she said because i was stronger than anyone calling on her. Then my dream got blury from that other than she was messaging someone pictures of the sky but im not sure if thats really important. So anyways, what does this mean? What signs are these and she told me to tell my friend susan looked beautiful and she was wearing her favorite color and something she would definitely wear so i know it was her. But i wasnt so close to her near the end of her life but i was close to her at one point but then just faded as friends. What does this mean?

  31. Mackayla

    I dreamed about dad, he died when I was only 7 months old in a car accident with my mom and I on mothers day in 1998. My mom lived and I am currently 17 years old now. Anyways, I had a dream last night or this morning, and my dad was talking to me. His tone was serious and yet calm. I thought it was comforting. I know he said something to me and I said a little joke and he lightly smiled and laughed, then he continued talking. I don’t remember what exactly we where talking about but I’m trying very hard to remember. I know he was wearing his police uniform when I was talking to him, like the one I have seen in a photo. I have leaned so much about him over the years. My mom sometimes tells me stories about when they were together. He was well respected in his family and community, and when ever I met his family or someone that knew him would tell me how great of a man my dad was. I’m not sure what this dream means, but when I woke up I was shocked that I dreamed about him. After a little while I started to ponder what it meant and why did I dream of him I wanted to cry. In fact I’m trying not to cry right now…

  32. Anthony

    I’ve dreamt of my best friend who committed suicide in March and in the dream i am talking to her when she was alive telling her not to do it. Any thoughts or do I apparently miss her to much?

  33. Charlene Rodriguez

    I had a disturbing dream last night and need help. My dad has been gone for fifteen years but was alive last night. He flew to see me by plane and I was very happy to see him. I kept trying to show him pictures of my four year old grand daughter who was taken from us by her mother at 9 months and we have not seen her but one time in all these years and he would not look at them. The next thing I know is dad shooting a man in front of me and me thinking I cannot save him. Dad starting telling me lets go. We are flying back to camp, (he was in the navy for 22 years when I was a child.) all I could think about was I will send that man he shot help when I get to the camp.
    I woke up very disturbed and am still not ok with it right now. Can you please help me understand this dream.

  34. shingi


  35. Ruth

    I dreamed of my mother who passed four years ago adamantly tapping on the shoulder until I woke up….she was sleep in the bed at first and then we heard her falling out of the bed my husband went to see what was wrong and then next thing I kno she was standing over me tapping and pushing me she really wanted me to get up…once I actually woke up and realized she was in my dream I got up and started looking around cAuse it felt like she wanted me to get up something is happening…..look around…idk

  36. Nadia

    I have had two very close relatives pass away (my maternal grandmother and my father) and then visit me in a dream within a year of their passing. They were completely healthy and happy in the dreams (both were painfully unhealthy and suffering for years before passing away).
    My grandmother told me she was fine, that everything was ok now. My father (who died in his 86th year) was a happy, healthy, vibrant young man who leapt a distance from a dock onto a flat open area at the back of a departing boat. I feel these were reassurances and final goodbyes before moving on. I’m grateful to have had these dreams.

  37. jasdip shinder

    My deceased maternal aunt was asking for food in my dream. But my mother in law did not allow me to give her and my materna aunt went back very angry

  38. Brenda Taylor

    My Husband has been deceased for 15 years and last night he came back to me in my dream. It was so vivid he just walked I to the house and said he was back but he was a troubled man and was crying and unsettled. I held him and tried comforted him. He said he did not really die and that he had come back to me. What oh what is the meaning of this. I am trying to sell the family we had built together and am wondering if he has come back because of that.

  39. cici

    I keep having dreams about my deceased boyfriend that passed away 3 months ago. I have dreamt about him 6 times now and I don’t know what all these dreams mean.

    1. I dreamt about me and him having intercourse and that he used a condom ( we always used condoms when he was alive) and that the condom broke and i saw blood and semen in the condom.

    2. I dreamt about him saying he was sorry and that he misses me.

    3. I dreamt about him when he was laying in a casket but he was all sewed up and he was telling me that he wasnt dead.
    4. I deamt about him making me drunk and high in my dream and making me to do all sorts of things.

    5. I dreamt about me doing sumthing magical with my eyes in the dream and then I heard a voice saying NO to me then I woke up.

    6.I dreamt that I was struggling in a chair in a house and I saw him walking up to me, but he was angry and then he pushed me.

    Can someone please tell me what all these dreams mean? I would be thankful.

  40. judy

    i had a dream of my mom and step father. i dont remember alot all i remember is they where home. and seem happy. my mom has been died about9 years, and my step dad has been died about 19 years. but in my dream was a good friend whos been missing for 7 years and he was trying to show me something on the internet. dont know what. so i look up this site to get help. i dont know if hes a live or not. can you plz tell me what this might mean. thank you.

  41. Anita

    I had a dream about my dad and his family my dad died 4 years ago in the dream he looked well but I knew he was dead he was dressed in a suit and a purple tie looking alive it was like no one else could see him but me. I felt like he was talking but I couldn’t hear him. And then I woke up

  42. sherry

    I had a dream about my Dad last night. He passed away about 8 months ago suddenly. He was angry in my dream and said we his family was doing things and being happy with our him. This made him mad. And then he disappeared. I woke up crying.

  43. Katherine

    My friend Grant, who was 17, died a couple of weeks ago. Last night I had a dream and he was in it. He acted like nothing was wrong in the dream and said that he misses everyone and then told me to tell everyone his signature quote and that he was okay.

  44. natalie hughett

    So my brothers beatfriend died from a really bad death and my brother was with him but a month after I had a dream that he came in the house like he normally would and I kept saying your dead and then he went into my dark basement and it turned into a garage he didn’t say much to me but I noticed this dark entity in the background and I kept say I want a hug I miss your hug and he told me that he couldn’t and then I woke up crying like it was real someone please tell me what it means

    1. Gracie

      That is weird! Last night I had a dream of my grandparent which has been deceased since 2013. I tried to hug her but she said no she couldn’t.

  45. Towmeah

    I dreamed of a friend wh passed away due to domestic violence
    but in the dream she had red hair i was so excited to see her i couldnt believe it. she was doing the things we did as a kid but her hair was fiery read and she was kind of not present. i ask for a huge cause i was glad to see her she did hug me but it just wasnt like her.

  46. Dee

    I keep dreaming about my mom. We are fighting in every one of the dreams. Once she punched me, or tried to, but the rest of the time it’s her telling me she is sick of me and wants me out of her life and other things along those lines.

    Please note, this is NOT how my mother and I got along while she was dead. Any suggestions on what this could mean would be greatly appreciated.

  47. Kerease Leila

    I just had a dream that I was cooking sausages and drinking water and orange juice with a childhood friends and her dead dad and we was all having a convo about his dead mother….he died about 16 years ago. Strange

  48. Latoya

    I had a dream about my boyfriend that passed away 5 months ago from AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm.

    In this dream he pulled up to a mutual friends house with another woman and she claimed that she was pregnant but didn’t take a pregnancy test. I became livid. Fussing at him, telling him that I was hurt. We followed each other around. I would try to leave but my heart wouldn’t allow me to. What on earth was this dream about?

  49. arnie

    i dreamed about my boyfriend who died in motor accident 11months ago, that he sent me message sayin “hold on”..we have kid but we didnt get married. what does he mean?

  50. Lanna

    In my dream, my departed baby sister’s body was in a basket in the living room and I looked over and she was kicking her legs. I walked over to her and looked at her, just to see that she was breathing. I was so over joyed that I ran for my mom. She came and picked her up. The baby started giggling but her eyes were brown in the dream, not blue like in real life. The point is, my babay sister didn’t seem sad, but she didn’t talk, all she did was giggle.

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