We all know that to achieve anything, one must be motivated. Here are 11 laws of motivation that will help you move forward to achieving your goals.

1. What am I motivated about and why?

At the very beginning of achieving anything, you have to determine what you are going after but most importantly why. Your actions will be determined in direct proportion to what level of desire you have to achieve your goals and dreams. Your desire is directly affected by the reason that you are going after something.

So before you draw the map of achievement, you must really dig deep into your emotions and determine what would set the gasoline on your fire. You should put a lot of time and effort into this and decide that there are no other options than fulfilling these goals and dreams.

2. You are your own best leader

You really are your very own best leader. Success is not going to come out of thin air, as you are the only one who is going to lead you to success.

Pay attention to your thoughts, make sure that what you are saying to yourself is things like “If I don’t start now then I won’t ever start” or “Success isn’t going to work unless I work”. Start being strict on your daily thoughts because, in order to take action, you must first think about action.

3. Don’t let others influence your state of mind

Even the opinions of those you love or respect can keep you from your goals and great success. If you buy into others’ opinions, you buy into their lifestyle and, unless their lifestyle is on par with your goals, then, by all means, go ahead. But whoever you talk to on a daily basis, if they don’t have what you want and where you want to go, then why should you buy into their beliefs?

4. Use your attitude to your advantage

Our attitude towards life is exactly why we are where we are. Set your mind towards a positive mental attitude, towards your goals and dreams, and nothing can stand in your way. Your attitude can work to your disadvantage as well, so be aware of your thoughts.

5. Slight Edge & The Compound Effect

The Slight Edge pretty much sums itself up. To get an edge in life, you must be doing the very slight of actions over time. Our entire lives are made up of the Slight Edge – the sum of all these 1000’s and 1000’s of actions added up over time repeated day in day out.

Small positive efforts every single day take in the compound effect. The Compound Effect states that one action plus one action doesn’t equal production of two actions over time, because one action works off of the other, creating a multiplying effect instead of an additive one.

So start thinking about each action you take in terms of multiplication, but only if you continue to stay consistent, your individual actions will multiply.

The Slight Edge turns into Compounding Efforts. Great Success can be achieved with the help of these 2 components.

6. Visualization

We are emotional human beings and react largely based on emotion. Our emotional state cannot tell the difference between something we see with our own two eyes or something we visualize in our minds.

Make sure that you continue to visualize your success on a daily basis. Be happy and content with what you have now while you go after what you want. Whenever we take actions we think about taking actions first and then physically apply the action. The same exact things occur when visualizing success.

7. Time

Compared to Eternity, the seconds of right now are worth more than all the money, gold and silver in the world. It’s because we can have more money but we can’t have more time, because once it’s gone it’s never coming back.

Time can be working for or against you. If you are working on things you want in the future, then it is working for you. If you have decided that right now isn’t the perfect time to go after what you want, then it’s working against you. Time is going to pass anyway, so make more of it now.

Suffer the pain of Self-Discipline or suffer the pain of regret.

– Jim Rohn

8. Embrace the Ride and have fun.

Try to have as much fun as possible and by that, I mean making an effort on an emotional scale to feel as if you are constantly having fun on your journey to success.

Of course, the slight edge actions that you take aren’t always going to be the most fun, but that’s exactly why you must embrace the journey and understand that your highs and lows are one with each other. This is why you must always make it a point to have fun.

9. Avoid comparison

This is the ultimate reason why people quit their dreams. We are competitive beings by nature, so we often look to those who have what we want, and jealousy kicks in.

You must understand that when you see someone’s success, you usually don’t see what they had to go through on a regular basis. They had to go through successes and failures just like the rest of us.

Always remember that the only person you are in competition with is yourself and that you are always looking to better yourself on a moment to moment basis. It’s not where you are now, it’s where you are moving forward.

10. Give yourself rewards

If you feel that you are truly working hard and dedicating yourself to your goals, don’t forget to reward yourself. A good reward can be in place every time you reach a significant goal in your business. Just remember not to let yourself get to carried away with this, because, as your own leader, you must set your standards through the roof!

11. Love yourself like your life depends on it. Because it does.

believe in yourselfYour Self Concept is extremely relevant to going after what you want. The standards you set for yourself largely depend on how much you love yourself. Love yourself to greatness and don’t settle for anything less.

When you try to take short cuts, or you don’t take action towards your fulfillment, being fearful and thinking negative thoughts, you ultimately don’t love yourself enough. Think highly of yourself, think of yourself as someone who is going to achieve great things and nothing is going to stand in your way.


All in all, true success is going to be a long ride as long as your why is deep enough and your thoughts are big enough. Develop a positive mental attitude and don’t let the negative opinions determine your actions and your success.

Pull yourself forward towards the future that you visualize using the Slight Edge for today’s actions. Understand that time is going to pass and that you are willing to do whatever it takes today not to regret tomorrows of the future.

Compare yourself to your past but keep moving forward using rewards after achieving goals and develop a deep love for yourself by having an extreme desire for greatness and nothing less.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. ozge

    Thanks for the great article. i really appreciate it. I have been making research on the internet for a very long time and now come up with something useful.

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