Many people are too busy to meditate or struggle to sit still. Fortunately, there is a simple approach called ‘2-minute meditation’, which will work for everyone.

Meditation teaches us to focus, reduces stress, helps us get rid of bad habits, improves memory and self-control, lowers blood pressure, normalizes metabolism, lowers the heart rate, and many more. Introducing meditative practices into your daily life could affect it in the most remarkable ways!

How to Practice 2-Minute Meditation

1. Spend on meditation at least 2 minutes a day

That will be quite enough. It would be silly to say that you have no time to meditate. Two minutes – it’s very, very little! So no excuses!

2. Create a ritual

Associate your meditation session with a particular time of the day or to some action. For example, in the early morning when everyone is still asleep, or during your morning cup of coffee, or during lunch – chose the most convenient time for you.

3. Find a quiet place

It could be your home at the time when nobody will disturb you. Or it could be a park bench in some secluded corner. Or any other ‘secret’ place, not as crowded, where you can sit quietly for a few minutes. Meditation on the beach or near any other body of water is the most pleasant experience.

4. Sit back

You do not have to focus on your posture and think about how to maintain it. Sit in the way you want and which is most comfortable for you. Of course, it is desirable to keep your back straight, so that, if not difficult, you can sit on a chair with good back support or lean against a wall.

5. Start small

Start with at least two minutes. When you feel you can do it longer, gradually increase the time you spend on meditation daily. For example, after a week, move to 5 minutes, after two weeks – to 10, and 21 days later – to 15 or 20 minutes.

6. Focus on your breath

Follow the inhale-exhale cycle slowly and mindfully. You have to completely focus on your breath. Be aware of each inhale and exhale, feeling the air coming into you, filling your lungs, and slowly leaving them. Count: one- inhale, two – exhale, and so on until ten. Then start over.

7. Expand the boundaries of your practice

Meditation is not always sitting and focusing on your breath. You can train your mind in everyday life, for example, during lunch, a walk in the park, or even washing dishes.

Do not just swallow your lunch but savor it slowly and chew thoroughly feeling its taste. Do not just walk around the park but behold the surrounding scenery. Notice the bright colors, sounds, and smells. Focus on your sensations.

Even while washing dishes you can concentrate on every movement. How you are doing it, how the foam appears as the water is running down the plate. Thus, you do a sort of meditative practice that promotes mindfulness and awareness.

The 2-minute meditation will work even for the busiest people. Start meditating every day and you will soon see the amazing results on your wellbeing!

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