Lately, there’s been much fuss about what might happen in December 2012, with people discussing all kinds of scenarios. Few are those who say that something good is going to happen. And of course, many are those who say that absolutely nothing will happen.
Crazy scenarios
Some describe the end of the world with all the disasters the human mind can imagine. Others say about the coming of Christ (!), others – about the coming of the Antichrist.
Some even say that evil aliens are coming to invade the Earth and we must find a way to stop them! Others wait for an asteroid to fall on our heads. Some expect good aliens to rid us of evil humans…
Some people also mention Planet X that allegedly appeared on the outskirts of our celestial neighborhood, beyond Pluto, saying that it has a metal outer shell and, therefore, must be an artificial object.
Science, anyone?
Scientists talk about solar storms and speculate on what impact they might have on our planet.
NASA states that on December 21, 2012, all the planets in our solar system will align with the center of our galaxy. Similar alignment of planets (but not with the center of the galaxy) took place on May 5, 2000.
It’s not the first time we are waiting for an apocalypse…
In the past, there were many times when some people were speculating about eschatology (i.e. religious beliefs about the end of the world) and were proven liars every single time. Something like that is happening now. Many write and say different things, and others believe them.
This eschatology originates from the prophecies of ancient peoples, mostly from the Mayan ones. However, it seems that eschatologists have not studied the Mayan prophecies in detail and interpreted them the way they wanted.
In reality, the Mayans spoke of the end of the year, not the end of the world!
As great Heraclitus told, “Everything flows” and always makes circles. Our planet makes a circle around its axis in one day and around the Sun in one year. This is a terrestrial year.
There is also a celestial year that was never considered by us. It is a full circle of the Sun and the planets of our solar system around the galaxy’s center.
The duration of this cycle is 26000 terrestrial years, and it is estimated that the current cycle will end on December 21, 2012. So maybe this is what the Mayans spoke of?
So what will happen after December 2012?
Of course, 2013 will come. But besides the terrestrial New Year, we will have also the galactic New Year. If we further open our minds, we can imagine even bigger periods of time.
For example, a circle of galaxies around the center of the universe. Want more? There are hypotheses that there are several contiguous and parallel universes in different dimensions. Maybe these universes also rotate around a center.
So we see that what will happen in 2012 is a natural phenomenon and nothing more. Questions, concerns, and various scenarios exist because there is no previous record of this fact since it happens every 26000 years.
However, no one is sure about the exact line of the alignment of the Sun with the galactic center. The center of the galaxy is not a distinct point, since it is millions of light-years away and is enormous.
Therefore, it is difficult to find the location of the galactic center and calculate the date. Anyway, the latest estimates state that it will take place on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 p.m.
Imagine: the Sun and all the planets will make a straight line reaching the center of the galaxy, and another galactic year will begin. Isn’t it a good idea to forget the chronology we know and make a new beginning?
So instead of 2013, we would have the year 1. What do you think? As for different scenarios, let’s hope we’ll be fine till then and we’ll see.
i was born in 2013