New Study Disproves Darwin’s Hypothesis about the Struggle for Survival

One of the most well-known and scientifically proven Darwin’s hypothesis states that the closer the evolutionary species are to each other, the more intense is the struggle for natural resources between them. As it turned out, this hypothesis is not true in all cases. One of the most famous Charles…

Italian Physicists Proposed the Concept of Liquid Space-Time

An unusual theory was offered by Italian physics: space-time may be regarded as a superfluid, in which hydrodynamic quantum processes take place. According to the theories of quantum gravity, space-time is not a continuum but a discrete matrix. On the lower level, space-time is a "quantum foam" of elementary particles…

The Unexplained Phenomenon of People Who Turn Street Lights On/Off When Walking by

Have you ever noticed strange electronic phenomena happening in your presence? Better yet, are you turning on/off street lights when you walk by? There are so many cases of unexplained phenomena, and just one story can leave you in awe. One such incident will seem almost unbelievable. A 53-year-old American housewife told…

What Your Favorite Sleeping Position Can Say about Your Relationship

Psychologists found out that the preferred sleeping position of married couples can tell a lot about their relationship and personality traits. The new study has also provided important information about the preferences of extroverts and creative people. Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire conducted a large-scale study, during…