Wise Zen Quotes That Will Alter Your Perception of Everything

Zen quotes can offer us a different perspective on life, ease our suffering and may even lead to sudden, life-changing enlightenment. Quotes can help us to learn from the wisdom of others. They can inspire us to be our best and happiest selves. I love to read quotes from successful and…

10 Things That Cause Short-Term Memory Loss (and You Probably Do Them Every Day)

You've probably experienced embarrassing moments because of short-term memory loss. It's awkward when you can't remember someone's name when you met only ten minutes earlier. It's also frustrating to find the keys that you put away only five minutes before. You can avoid these situations if you know what causes…

How to Control the Amygdala of Your Brain to Turn off Your Anxiety

Is there a possibility that you can turn off your anxiety? The part of the brain called the amygdala can function like a power switch for anxiety, studies show. Most people like to think that depression is a sadness, but in reality, it is about a terrible emotional pain that includes…

8 Examples of Butterfly Effect That Changed the World Forever

The Butterfly Effect is a theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can cause devastating consequences in another part. Previously, the term was weather-related, but nowadays it is a metaphor for how a small and insignificant event can cause a major change in circumstances.…