What Does It Mean When You Dream about Someone? Common Interpretations

What does it mean when you dream about someone? You have probably asked yourself this common question at least once in your life. Almost everyone is curious to know why. I have night terrors, and at the moment, I’m still trying to figure out whether I should read more about it…

4 Behavioral Psychology Experiments That Suggest We Don’t Have Free Will

Behavioral psychology reveals some really disturbing truths about the human nature. These experiments show that we don’t really have free will. We all like to think of ourselves as going through life, making important decisions without influence from external forces. But there are some behavioral psychology experiments that suggest we…

How Different Brainwave Frequencies Unlock Your Mind’s Potential

There are four different brainwave frequencies or patterns of brain activity. Let’s learn how they can help you unleash your mind’s full potential. The human brain is more than just an organ. Due to its methodical yet mysterious functions, the brain has always been compared to a computing system that…

20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day

Positive affirmations aren’t just woo-woo nonsense. They really can change your brain and your life in powerful ways. Here is how. How do affirmations work? Our brains are bombarded with information from our senses all of the time. Out of necessity, we filter out much of this information and only…

10 Motivational Quotes about Life That Will Make You Think

This list of motivational quotes about life will make you think about your life from a different perspective and will help you believe in yourself. The idea of having a successful life can mean so many things to so many people. Unfortunately, when we enter into the world, it can…

8 Reasons Releasing Anger Is Crucial for Your Mental and Physical Health

Anger as an emotion can be good or bad, it all depends on the circumstances. Releasing anger is necessary and here is why. Anger is a primitive defense mechanism that kept us safe thousands of years ago, but is it necessary in today’s society? We live in a civilised society,…