What Are Subliminal Messages and How They Influence You without Even Knowing

We all go through life making decisions, using our own free will, right? We are certainly smart enough to know if someone is trying to manipulate us. So it stands to reason that we would know if someone was using subliminal messages, wouldn't we? But subliminal messages are just that.…

How Unhealthy Food Ruins Your Brain’s Cognitive Functions, Backed by Science

“You are what you eat.” It’s a well-known fact, but considering unhealthy food is/can be a drug and much of what we consume on a daily basis is highly addictive, it’s a tough saying to live by. Many westerners struggle with sugar addiction, caffeine addiction, and addiction to the chemicals…

How to Answer Embarrassing Personal Questions the Way Intelligent People Do

Asking personal questions can feel awkward. There are ways, however, to ask these questions from an intellectual standpoint, and create a comfortable environment for all. Some say it’s rude to ask personal questions, and it can be. There are circumstances that require asking a personal question or cases where it’s…

7 Negotiation Strategies Used by FBI Agents That Will Help You Get What You Want

Many FBI agents are highly trained in negotiation strategies. While we may never be in such a high-risk situation as an FBI agent, we can still use their strategies to master social situations and negotiate for what we want and need. Read on for a few tricks that could transform…

6 Signs You Are People Smart (and How to Develop Your Interpersonal Intelligence)

A people smart person, or someone with a developed interpersonal intelligence, builds healthy, positive and effective relationships, uses diplomacy and tact, and can ease the atmosphere even in very tense conflict situations. For this, a person with high interpersonal intelligence must have the capacity to understand others and to know…

5 Mind Control Techniques Used by the Media to Evoke the Worst in Us

When you think of mind control techniques, do you envisage some shady government agent in an unknown location, using dodgy methods for evil manipulation? It appears that this is quite a common first reaction. The truth, in fact, is a lot more subtle, and disturbing. The mass media have been…