Top Thriller Movies about the Intriguing Mysteries and the Dark Side of Human Psyche

For as long as I can remember, I have loved watching thriller movies, especially those from top movie lists. The darker the story, and twisted the plot the better. What I really love about watching thriller movies is that many of them deal with the darker side of our psyche.…

How to Overcome Social Anxiety by Asking Yourself This One Silly Question

If you want to overcome social anxiety, you’ve probably already read tons of articles on the subject. There are many techniques for dealing with social anxiety, but they don’t work for everyone. Some are too complex, others are too challenging, such as forcing yourself to talk to strangers. Today, I…

The 7 Chakras and What Emotional & Physical Issues They Cause When Blocked

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheels" because the 7 chakras of the human body are like energy wheels of colour and light that spin around. As we know, modern medicine doesn't consider the 7 chakras of the human body when treating diseases. Perhaps this is a missing key in…

5 Common Sense Questions to Ask Yourself to Stop Overthinking and Ruminating

Many hours can be wasted overthinking things. This is part of having an anxious mind which never seems to shut off. Sometimes asking the right common sense questions is the only way to find peace. If you have anxiety, then you understand about overthinking. You know how negative thoughts can…

How Narcissistic Personality Is Formed: 4 Things That Turn Children into Narcissists

What causes someone to develop a narcissistic personality? Is it their environment, their genes, or could it be the way they were parented? There have been many studies that attempt to find out the origins of a narcissistic personality. Research suggests narcissism is created, not innate, and that certain factors…

The Pursuit of Happiness and 5 ‘I’ll Be Happy When’ Loops You Might Be Stuck In

If you are a human being, I suspect you want to be happy. Since the days of Aristotle, happiness was believed to encompass pleasure and a life well-lived. This is what our eternal pursuit of happiness is all about. According to the University of California, happiness is the experience of…