Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Is It Real?

It might sound like a science fiction story, but electromagnetic hypersensitivity is real for many people and said to be caused by a variety of factors. Although radiation levels are below the permitted levels, many people still seem to suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. So, what is electromagnetic hypersensitivity and is…

Beck’s Cognitive Triad and How It Can Help You Heal the Root of Depression

Beck's cognitive triad is one of the most influential theories to determine the root cause of depressive disorders and offer ways to cope with them. First of all, we should mention that depression is one of the most common emotional disorders. That’s why substantial efforts have been made to determine…

A Short Dark Triad Test That Will Reveal How Evil Your Personality Is

We’ve all heard terms such as psychopath and sociopath. In addition, we understand that some people have an evil personality. But what if there was a dark triad test that could tell how evil your personality was? Before we go any further, let’s clear up the dark triad part. The…

6 Ways Adult Children of Alcoholics Struggle Later in Life

Adult children of alcoholics suffer far beyond those traumatic years of watching their parents destroy themselves. There are damages left behind. Statistics are startling. The truth is, over 6 million children grow up with one or both parents stricken by alcoholism. In 1970, ALCOA (adult children of alcoholics) was formed,…

Golden Child in a Narcissistic Family and What Lies Behind a Perfect Image

At first sight, a golden child may look like the perfect child who is likely to have a successful life. But are things really that perfect? Before we talk about the phenomenon of a golden child, let’s mention that every parent has dreams for their child. Parents plan for the…

What Do Dreams about Being Lost Mean? 5 Psychological Interpretations

According to experts, dreams about being lost represent feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, inadequacy, and a feeling being ‘out of place’. Dreams about being lost are quite common. So are dreams about dying, falling, and being chased. Of course, dream interpretation is subjective at best. However, most experts agree that anxiety…