8 Toxic Personal Beliefs That Are Holding You Back in Life

Great experiences do not happen to those who mentally trap themselves through their personal beliefs or the beliefs of others. Each path through life is different, so there are many ways to achieve your goals and dreams. When we put stipulations and boundaries upon ourselves, we lead dull lives with…

7 Ways a Genuine Smile Differs from a Fake One, According to Psychology

It’s always best to flash a genuine smile, don’t you think? However, it’s hard to tell when the difference between real and fake happiness. Unfortunately, people aren’t as forthcoming as we once thought when we were younger. They rarely ever show us a genuine smile. They sometimes tell lies and…

What Is the Spotlight Effect and How It Alters Your Perception of Other People

Even if you have never heard about the spotlight effect, it is likely that it influences your perception without you even realizing it. It is a term in psychology which describes our tendency to think that everyone notices the nuances of our behaviour, appearance, etc. What Causes the Spotlight Effect?…

Everyday Activities & Behaviors That Reveal Your Personality Traits, According to Studies

Psychology is a little bit like detective work. One way psychologists can find out about our personality is to explore our everyday activities and behaviors. In other words, the things we enjoy doing can reveal our personality. For instance, someone who loves reading is more likely to be a loner…

Six Thinking Hats Theory and How to Apply It to Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is used to solve problems. The six thinking hats theory looks at these same problems from all angles, thus making a better decision. Everyone has instincts, with some taking a positive approach to problem-solving while others are more acquainted with a critical standpoint. Both ways of making decisions…