How to Stop Bullying from Ruining Your Life: 4 Practical Steps

Most people have experienced bullying at one point or another. However, knowing how to stop bullying from running your life is what really matters. For some, it is just another insignificant memory from their college life. However, for most individuals out there, it amounts to a string of experiences that…

How Your Inner Critic Sabotages Your Growth and 5 Strategies to Deal with It

We all have an inner critic. It is completely natural to have one, but the problem is when it starts to hinder our growth. In a society strongly marked by consumerism, we often have the tendency - in some instances, an exaggerated one - to compare ourselves to our friends,…

8 Mental Blocks That May Be Affecting Your Thinking Without You Even Noticing

Your subconscious sets up mental blocks that can cripple your best intentions to succeed. Your mind and imagination can be your best weapon, but it can also be your weakest point. When you feel stressed or helpless, the littlest things become huge barriers in life. Everyone deals with these issues…

5 Superpowers Avid Readers Have, According to Scientific Studies

Reading is pretty cool. It can provide us with an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday lives. It can also educate us and teach us new experiences. But, there are many studies which show avid readers can develop their personalities – some would say into superpowers! What are the benefits…