7 Subtle Effects of Depression Most People Are Unaware of

There are some less known effects of depression few people are aware of. Depression doesn't always look like extreme sadness or hopelessness. Due to a fixed list of the symptoms and effects of depression promoted by the media, this disorder is becoming harder and harder to recognize without medical intervention.…

3 Ways Environmental Problems Affect Your Intelligence, According to Science

Is it really possible for the environment to alter our brainpower? Quite possibly! Have you ever been too hot to work, or maybe even too cold? These are just a couple of examples of environmental problems leading to an impact on our daily lives and our productivity. But, science now…

How to Stop Negative Self-Talk from Ruining Your Life: 5 Techniques That Work

Negative self-talk doesn’t accomplish a thing. Your goal is to cultivate more positive words and statements to improve your life. Negative self-talk is something I deal with every day of my life. Considering the fact that I have an anxiety disorder, it’s a difficult task to turn my thoughts around…

5 Conflict Resolution Strategies That Work Best for Introverts and Empaths

Conflict resolution strategies are never easy to find, but they are even harder for people who don’t like conflict. If you are an introvert or an empath, you probably know this very well. Finding a way out of conflict can be difficult as an empath or an introvert, as neither…

Gaia Hypothesis: Are All Living Beings on Earth Interconnected?

The Gaia hypothesis, or Gaia theory, is a hypothesis suggesting that everything which lives on Gaia interacts with their surroundings to form a symbiotic circle, where everything affects each other to continue the lifecycle of planet Earth. This hypothesis was first developed by a man called James Lovelock, helped by…

6 Philosophical Thoughts That Will Shake Your Perception of the World

As philosophy has expanded, so too have the philosophical thoughts which plague our existence. We are constantly wondering why we are here and what life means. In search of answers, great philosophers have developed their own philosophical thoughts to explain our existence and how we experience life. These philosophical thoughts…