What Is Projection Bias and How to Avoid It at Work

What you believe is true and what is actually true may not be the same thing, and this can lead us to projection bias. When you’re working on an important project or just working with others, it’s important to understand other people are different from ourselves. If we are focused…

4 Types of Conflict Situations in Daily Life and How to Resolve Them

Do you hate conflict? That's normal, but you can learn how to manage it better if you know how to resolve it. Any time you run into conflict situations, it's usually very unpleasant. There are accompanying anxiety and tension during moments of conflict that most of us would rather just…

The Backfire Effect: Why Is It So Difficult for Us to Change Our Minds?

We all suffer from biases in our own thinking, but the backfire effect is one of the most counterintuitive. What Is the Backfire Effect? Most of us tend to question our beliefs when we find evidence which doesn’t agree with them. The natural response to differing information is to adjust…

6 Signs of a Narcissistic Coworker and What to Do If You Have One

Working is hard enough, but do you know what’s worse than that? It’s extremely difficult when you have a narcissistic coworker. There are various work environments, some more taxing than others. I remember working in a factory around many negative situations. Honestly, it was a nightmare. The same can be…