It is possible to learn to make good decisions and think like a successful person. You will need to know the basic steps to decision making and ways to keep yourself motivated.

Begin to live with a sense of success. Focus on success until you start thinking about it, talking about it, and feeling it.

If everything you do from this point is accompanied by the feeling of being successful, you will start feeling much more confident and will increase your chances to succeed.

A vital component of success is the ability to make decisions. Any one of us makes decisions every day. However, it is important to understand that the decision alone won’t make any difference until you start acting on it.

But even if we act, a marriage, an investment, or a trip may turn out to be unsuccessful. The reason is simple. We don’t always make the right decisions and we can’t predict the possible outcome of a situation.

Even in childhood, our attitude to things is what determines our actions. To act, it needs strong motivations and weighty reasons.

If you ask ten-year-old Tommy to go out of the house, he will hesitate or will not go at all. If you add that his friend Jimmy is waiting for him to go to play football, Tommy will go immediately. If you tell him that Mr. Smith, whom he broke the windshield of the car, is waiting for him, he probably will refuse to go.

In a similar way, it is essential that we keep ourselves motivated and direct our own minds in the desired direction for us. Knowing the basic steps to decision making will help you with that.

3 Steps to Decision Making

1. Carefully weigh all the pros and cons of a certain decision in accordance with your current level of understanding.

Consider them from your point of view. Consider the consequences of each of them. Do not make a decision until you have carefully considered all the concerning factors.

When making a decision to purchase something, travel somewhere, or make a career change, your thought patterns may direct you to settle for little and trick you to make the least risky decision. Consider this fact. You may want to proceed in the opposite direction if you really want to change your life.

2. Make a decision.

Do not accept vague and conditional decisions. Decide exactly, definitely, and finally. Then act in accordance with your decision. Without this vital step, your decision will not be valid.

3. Stick to your decision.

Once a decision is made, your subconscious mind will put forward arguments against it. Other people, reflecting your subconscious doubts and old patterns, will try to convince you of the foolishness of your decision, too.

Do not agree with them. Stick to your decision. Think about all the arguments in its favor you can find. Close your mind to all the negative thoughts. If you persevere, your decision will lead you to success.

You must learn to make decisions as systematically as you learned to walk. Do not give up, even if at first your decision will not be right due to your unproductive thought pattern. The fact that you have decided to make a change already makes you a winner. If you persevere, then over time, all decisions will play their role in your success.

Before making decisions that are vital to your future, practice these steps to decision making on less important issues. Then move on to more important decisions.

In this way, you will achieve two important goals:

  1. You will discipline your mind, making it focus on what is desirable for you.
  2. By accustoming your mind to making decisions on less important matters, you give yourself the opportunity to successfully perform the increasingly complex tasks.

Thus, you will find it easier to achieve important goals in every sphere of your life.

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