People are not always fairly judged, and there are psychological effects that cause this to happen. Are we being fair or are we being influenced?

People are people, so we judge them fairly, right? Wrong. Many things we witness in other human beings cloud our judgment and cause us to make a general assumption. Psychological effects govern how we treat our fellow man. And there are many different effects that we may not even notice from day to day.

We may also want to take a closer look at ourselves to understand why we act the way we do as well. Here are a few notable psychological effects to keep in mind when passing thought over the human race.

1. Eyewitness Effect

This phenomenon states that the more people there are, the less likely is that someone will help you. This definitely seems like a strange effect.

2. Inaccessibility Effect

This is a twofold effect. It lies in the fact that people with high and inaccessible ideals seem more interesting and desirable to others than those available here and open. At the same time, “the elusive” person scares people away and soon becomes lonely. It’s much like the statement about mysterious people being more interesting.

3. Pygmalion Effect

The term was taken from a famous play by George Bernard Shaw. Lenore Jacobson and Robert Rosenthal used it to refer to the prophecy that is fulfilled because of a strong belief in its truthfulness. Researchers tested this theory on school students.

They manipulated the expectations of teachers, saying that some students, who were actually chosen by chance, have a high IQ. As a result, these students appeared to be the most gifted ones since the level of their intelligence increased significantly after the teacher began to treat them in a different way under the influence of these psychological effects.

4. Zeigarnik Effect

Named in honor of Lewin’s student who discovered it, this effect acts in a way that people are better when remembering the actions they did not manage to finish.

Scientists explain this effect by the fact that early action has some potential energy that has not been fully released and “tortures” its creator. This effect is a common technique used in teaching and art.

5. Halo Effect

The essence of this phenomenon surrounds the first impression that a person makes on others.

If this experience is good, the person is credited with a number of other positive attributes, some of which may not exist at all. If a person has made a negative impression, people will try to ignore their good sides.

6. Audience Effect

The meaning of this effect involves how a person behaves differently in the presence of crowds or another person. In the presence of other people, we may worry, experience strong emotions, get embarrassed or try to attract the opposite sex.

As a result, a person’s thoughts and behavior are quite different when they are alone and when they are with someone.

You can also note the same behavior in the mirror effect when a person begins to mirror the actions and behaviors of another person. I have noticed my accent changing when in the presence of certain people as well.

Have you ever noticed these strange actions?

Maybe it has become so commonplace to experience these psychological effects. It is truly amazing how much we change when faced with only a few altered states of reality. When in crowds, we’re one person, when alone, another. Makes you wonder who we really are, after all, doesn’t it?

No matter, psychological effects teach us things, things that in turn, which make us search for even more answers for our behaviors. I think they just add a bit more curiosity to the human mind.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Arilde

    Halo Effect – is when we see attractive people as more positive people than non-attractive people.

  2. rdrglcrd


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