Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheels” because the 7 chakras of the human body are like energy wheels of colour and light that spin around.

As we know, modern medicine doesn’t consider the 7 chakras of the human body when treating diseases. Perhaps this is a missing key in medical treatments.

This knowledge was first described by the yogic tradition of ancient India. The main chakra system consists of seven energy wheels that spin and spread energy in the environment that surrounds the body. These wheels also take energy from the outside world and distribute it to the blood, the main glands, the organs and the nervous centres. Practically, the 7 chakras help certain parts of the body to function properly.

Our thoughts and feelings directly affect the chakra system. In fact, our thoughts, feelings and attitudes can shrink or even completely block the energy flow of a chakra to certain areas of the body. It depends on the way we look at the obstacles in life and the way we deal with challenges.

For example, if we have been repeatedly hurt in romantic relationships, our operating mode can be based on the belief that “love is a poisoned apple”, so we will stop the energy or vital force to the heart chakra. After years of working in this pattern of habits, the heart can no longer receive the vital energy it needs. This energy deprivation creates an abnormal energy flow which, over time, can lead to a physical disorder, such as heart disease. Emotional sufferings such as “heavy hearts” can create a severe blockage of energy in this chakra and lead to poor functioning of the heart.

So let’s have a brief look at the 7 chakras, at what they represent, how imbalances can affect them, and how healing specific chakras can effectively treat some diseases:

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra is our foundation and the feeling of being connected to the earth, grounded.

Location: Base of the spine, in the terminal area

Emotional problems affecting the Root Chakra: Survival problems such as money or food. An imbalanced Root Chakra can cause great insecurity, irritability and obsession towards materialistic aspects.

Physical health problems affecting the Root Chakra: From a physical standpoint, constipation, anaemia or bladder dysfunction may be some of the symptoms of a weak Root Chakra.

Color: Red.

Healing exercises: yoga & meditation, bare feet on the ground. Remember, Chakra Root is totally related to the feeling of “grounding”. Combined with specific foods (see below), meditation will restore the function of the Root Chakra and subsequently, treat the emotional and physical dysfunctions.

Healing foods: Foods coloured in red (apple and red beet). Spicy spices (Cayenne red pepper and Tabasco sauce). Vegetables from the ground (potatoes and carrots), vegetable proteins.

2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra represents our connection and the ability to accept other people and new experiences.

Location: Lower abdomen

Emotional problems affecting the Sacral Chakra: Sentiment of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. Knowing that the Sacral Chakra can strongly influence sexuality, an energy imbalance could cause sex addiction, emotional detachment and an inclination towards unhealthy and risky behaviours.

Physical health problems affecting the Sacral Chakra: A dysfunctional Sacral Chakra can also significantly impact the reproductive system, leading to urinary infections, lower back pain or gynaecological issues.

Color: Orange

Healing exercises: Tai Chi, aromatherapy, yoga & meditation. If the symptoms persist even after making lifestyle changes, then you should consider a few sessions with an energy healer.

Healing foods: Foods coloured in orange (oranges, mandarins), nuts of any kind.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The Solar Plexus Chakra governs our ability to be self-confident and to control our own lives.

Location of the Solar Plex Chakra: The upper abdomen in the stomach area.

Emotional problems affecting the Solar Plex Chakra: Traumatic experiences can block the proper function of this chakra, causing eating disorders, a sense of perfectionism and criticism towards people or the self. For this chakra, meditation and diet are key points of the treatment as the individual must channel his/her energy in the right direction, surrounding her/himself with positivity.

Physical health problems affecting the Solar Plex Chakra: digestive issues. As a general rule, a tailored, soothing diet will treat the digestive dysfunctions.

Color: Yellow

Healing exercises: Reiki therapy is known to speed up the healing process.

Healing foods: Foods coloured in yellow (corn), cereals and fibre (granola, whole bread), teas (mint, chamomile, rosemary herbs).

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Heart Chakra influences our ability to love and altruistic aspirations.

Location of the Heart Chakra: At the centre of the chest, just above the heart.

Emotional problems affecting the Heart Chakra: People who present an energetic disequilibrium in this chakra tend to be ruled by their emotions, but they also present a high tolerance to the point of neglecting themselves. Additionally, they accept every situation or behaviour due to their lack of setting boundaries and self-identity.

Physical health problems affecting the Heart Chakra: On the other hand, the physical symptoms may include high blood pressure or heart palpitations.

Color: Green

Healing exercises: Bikram Yoga and socialisation. The simple opening of our hearts to others is the best healing exercise to heal our Heart Chakra. In order to heal this chakra, it is important to ensure the good functioning of the other 6 chakras. Alternatively, meditation is the major treatment for Anahata. Preferably, meditation should take place in green spaces like parks as the color green is highly beneficial.

Healing foods: Foods coloured in green (leafy vegetables, spinach), green tea.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddi)

The Throat Chakra has to do with our ability to communicate.

Location of the Neck Chakra: Throat

Emotional problems affecting the Neck Chakra: Poor communication, arrogance, gossips, secrets are a few of the main factors that can affect the Throat Chakra. Speaking from an emotional point of view, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem are amongst the symptoms caused by a dysfunctional Throat Chakra.

Physical health problems affecting the Neck Chakra: Consequently, an imbalanced Vishuddi can cause laryngitis, earache or neck pain.

Color: Blue

Healing exercises: In order to restore the power of this chakra, one must cleanse his/her energy through singing or sound therapy. Meditation is also a great form of therapy as one can regain confidence and faith.

Healing foods: Juices and teas, fruits of all kinds.

6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The Third Eye Chakra governs our ability to focus, think and make decisions. It also regulates our sleep and wake time.

Location: Forehead, between the eyebrows.

Emotional problems affecting the Third Eye Chakra: Refusal of spirituality, poor clarity of a situation, poor concentration.

Physical health problems affecting the Third Eye Chakra: insomnia, migraines, sinusitis, poor vision.

Color: Indigo

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Healing exercises: Adjustments of the lifestyle can effectively heal the symptoms and balance the energy in this chakra, but relaxation is important. It can be done through meditation, more sleep, acupuncture or Reiki. Fetus posture or other types of yoga poses with bending forward. Exercises for the eyes. Treatment with herbaceous oil.

Healing foods: Purple colored fruits (grapes, blueberries, currants), chocolate spices and tea with lavender flavour.

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The highest of the 7 chakras represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. The Crown Chakra is linked to wisdom, inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure happiness.

Location of the Crown Chakra: Top of the head

Emotional problems affecting the Crown Chakra: Obsessive attachment/belief in spirituality, closed-mindedness, living in fantasy rather connected with the self and reality.

Physical health problems affecting the Crown Chakra: a blockage in the Crown Chakra can cause chronic fatigue, boredom, greed, neurological disorders or migraines.

Color: Violet

Healing exercises: Meditation, running or cardio exercises

Healing Foods: Since the Crown Chakra represents our spiritual connection to what surrounds us, this Chakra does not benefit from foods. The crown chakra awakens when you breathe fresh air and enjoy moments in the sun. As with all the 7 chakras, the most powerful treatment for the Crown is meditation, as well as physical exercise.

Although these techniques have proven to be effective in restoring the energy of the 7 chakras, please also seek medical advice if the above symptoms are persistent or acute.



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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gary Hynous

    Hello Andreea, Interesting information about the chakras. I have had my chakras balanced by a Reiki master a few times and have always felt rejuvenated. I have trained in Aikido and other martial arts for many years. Our Sensei in Aikido training advised us that the seat of our martial power aka ki, chi or prana is located about one inch below the navel. When we moved at the early stages of our training we were instructed to visualize our movement from this area of our body. Once this became second nature we/I could do amazing kata with a lot of power, not muscle. Enjoyed reading your information.

    1. Andreea

      Hello Gary, thank you for appreciating the article and I am very glad that you enjoyed reading it. Congratulations on your vast experience and training in martial arts!

  2. Ryu

    The problem with the western “concept” of chakras is that it is largely an invention.
    Furthermore there are many chakra systems, not just the one associated with india.

    Secondly, the original concept of chakras did not have colors or even emotional states associated wit them but rather were associated with deities and the sounds and elements associated/installed with them.

    Chakras are focal points for meditation and their location in the body is only relevant inasmuch as the area of the body that certain meditations/mantras/sounds are felt and experienced.

  3. Barbara

    Excellent article, Andreea. I ran across it while researching a book I am writing on the topic of disappointment. Would you say the the “kick-in-the-gut” feeling one gets when they are slighted or embarrassed is happening in the solar plexus? It seems that way to me.

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