Have you tried the ancestry DNA test? If you’ve been spending years of your life researching genealogy, this test can be beneficial at finding ancestors, connecting with unknown relatives, and proving your ethnicity.

Let me share a story with you. It’s a common tale which many of us have shared. It’s a story of genealogy – that process that starts as a hobby and leads to decades of serious research.

Yes, I searched since the age of 25 until now, at the age of 43, for my ancestors and proof of where I came from. With an Ancestry DNA test, I discovered things that I searched for years, in vain, to discover.

Why ancestry DNA tests will open your eyes

That’s not the whole story either. For many years, I was under the impression that my ancestors were of Native American descent. I couldn’t have been more incorrect on that front.

In fact, I had less than one percent of North American DNA. I discovered this through the examination of the ancestry DNA test. Here are some other reasons why ancestry DNA tests can open your eyes to new possibilities.

1. Blood type origin discoveries-Mediterranean

I am RH negative. This means I do not have the rhesus factor (originating from rhesus monkies) in my blood. For the most part, this rarer blood category doesn’t cause serious adverse effects, except for expectant mothers.

The point that I am trying to make here, although, concerns DNA testing. Even though I knew about my RH factor, I didn’t know where it came from.

When researching several reports, I found that RH negative blood types have a large population count among the Basque people who originate from Spain and the area where Spain and France connect.

This coordinates with my 35% Mediterranean DNA. Yes, other areas of the Mediterranean could be included in my DNA, but this was an interesting match with the discoveries that I’d made with my blood type research.

2. Name/DNA matches-Scottish Ancestry

Simultaneously, I was receiving the ancestry DNA test results and searching through sites for Scottish genealogy information. As I viewed my results, I noticed a high concentration of Northern European DNA, including Scotland.

At some point, during my online research, I discovered a name match on a stranger’s blog. It was a Scottish name shared between my maternal side and the stranger’s family heritage. As it turns out, we were connected and had a common ancestor who was an immigrant. I was amazed by this new line of information.

3. DNA/Relative matches-Irish Ancestry

Just like my Scottish ancestry, I was able to find a thread that connected me with an Irish immigrant, through an unknown cousin. This shared ancestor was a servant who came to America during the 1700s.

As I researched this information, I discovered that somehow he became free and started a family in North Carolina. His name remained in my family until my grandmother married her husband.

This is where it changed to a Norwegian name, carried by my father’s family. Much of this information was confirmed with these relatives that until now, were unknown to me. My results from the best DNA testing kit also confirmed my Irish ancestry.

4. DNA/Name evolution-Norwegian Ancestry

Our Norwegian Ancestry shows indicators in the knowledge we gained from research. It seems my maiden name changed from Halverson, which is a Norwegian surname, to Alberson, through the ages. Here’s the transformation step by step: Halverson- Alverson-Alberson.

When I received my ancestry DNA test results, I saw the Scandinavian influence loud and clear. There it was, an integral part of my European ancestry concentration, alongside the Irish and Scottish impression.

5. Surprise! Middle Eastern Influence!

As I stated above, I thought much of my family’s ancestry derived from North America. I was wrong. In fact, I was surprised to find out, after receiving the results of my ancestry DNA test, that I was 20% Middle Eastern. This included areas such as Iran and Iranian tribal locales.

There was no Native American DNA present or at least very little. I think this was the most eye-opening part of viewing my results.

6. Trace Amounts will also surprise you

Among your predominant results, you will be able to view trace amounts. You can use your raw DNA source to use with other companies to get a closer look at these trace amounts, which I did.

It turns out that Africa and East Asia were also present, probably derived from ancient DNA sources. Although these amounts were under a full percentage, they were still surprising. Finding trace amounts of DNA can be a truly interesting experience.

Who am I?

Well, if you’ve ever asked yourself this question, then you’re not alone. Who am I? Well, you are a human being, no different from the rest. You bleed the same and pretty much breath the same as well.

But if you want to know where your ancestors came from, then you might have to take a DNA test to be sure. For some of us who’ve lost most family members, it’s the only way we can take a look at the past.

If you’re curious about these DNA tests, then maybe you should give them a try. Do your research and understand what you will and will not learn by taking these tests.

While I haven’t found everything that I wanted to know, I have truly been amazed and inspired by my results. I think it’s well worth the time and effort.

Good luck!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. deborah thurston

    even more interesting, all of the government agencies that have access to this information.

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