6 Signs You Are an Extrovert with Social Anxiety, Not an Introvert

Introversion is commonly confused with social anxiety. Since most people are not aware of the differences between the two, it’s easy to mistake an extrovert with social anxiety for an introvert, and vice versa. In reality, though, introversion is a distinct character trait whereas social phobia is a mental disorder.…

3 Reasons Why Introverts Are Among the Most Genuine Folks You’ll Meet

Introverts are not the easiest people to understand. Sometimes, their behaviors don’t make much sense. But at the same time, they are probably among the most genuine folks you’ll meet, and there are good reasons for that. In our society of all-consuming fakeness, introverts often feel like misfits and outsiders.…

5 Negative Character Traits Disguised As Good Qualities in Our Society

In our society, there is a steady pattern of favoring certain personality traits and behaviors over others. While this tendency may sound quite natural, the problem is that some negative character traits are perceived as good qualities as a result of social conditioning. Social norms are built on many factors,…