What Is Projective Identification & How It Works in Everyday Life

Projective identification is a complex psychological phenomenon that can be used as a defense mechanism and as a tool of interpersonal communication. In this post, we will explore how this theory is defined and consider some examples of how it works in everyday life. What is projection? To understand projective…

4 Different Types of Learners: Which Are You and How to Learn Easier?

The way we learn something can have a huge impact on our ability to understand and retain the information. This is because we all have different learning styles that can vary depending on what type of thing we are learning. Often, an individual doesn’t fit into one learning category and…

Spiral of Silence Theory Explains Why You’d Rather Stay Quiet

During the 1970s, Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann, a German political scientist, developed the spiral of silence theory. Working in the context of post-World War Two Germany, Noelle-Neumann coined the theory. She sought to explain why individuals choose to remain silent when they believe their view isn’t held by the majority. In this…

Online Disinhibition Effect Explains Why Some People Become Jerks Online

Trolling others is a common refrain for people online. Indeed, this behavior has become so common that it is now intensively studied by psychologists. Psychologists call this behavior the ‘online disinhibition effect’. But what is it that makes people behave this way? Who are internet trolls? Are some people more…

The Friendship Paradox Reveals the Weird Reason You Are Less Popular Than Your Friends

Have you ever noticed that the people you hang out with always seem to be more popular than you? Whether it’s down at the gym, on social media, or even at work, it is common for people to notice that their friends seem fitter, more popular, and more successful. According…