6 Problems All Old Souls Experience at Some Point in Their Life

Old Souls can be defined in many ways, mainly that they are wise beyond their years and like spending time alone. They also like doing things that generally elderly people enjoy, no matter their actual age. If you’ve experienced any of these common problems, you’re probably an old soul too:…

Lazy People Have One Mental Advantage, Studies Show

Are you one of those lazy people? Well, then you probably have a mental advantage over your active peers! Personally, I’m quite a lazy person. Sort-of. I like being productive and getting things done, but I also like the tasks that allow me to stay in my pyjamas in bed…

How to Unleash the Power of Your Superconscious Mind using Mantras

Awaken your superconscious mind with the power of mantras. Mantra is a Buddhist/Hindus classical spiritual technique of personal development which consists of positive thoughts, words or syllables. Through loud or silent repetition, they can produce beneficial effects in your being on all three levels: physical (healing), mental (harmonization) and spiritual…

Who Are Energy Vampires and How to Recognize & Avoid Them

The term energy vampires is a metaphor used to refer to people who intentionally or not absorb your positive vibrations and leave you feeling stressed, frustrated, or worried for no reason. Have you ever felt strange emotional exhaustion after talking with somebody? Have you ever felt like Hercules carrying the…

What Is Synchronicity and How to Recognize the Signs of It in Your Life

What is synchronicity? The term synchronicity (syn = with, chronos = time) was chosen by the psychotherapist Jung to describe the simultaneous occurrence of events (or coincidences) which apparently have no clear cause, but are deeply meaningful. Some would say that coincidences are random, but if we look carefully into…

5 Surprising Signs That You May Have Above Average Intelligence

What does above average intelligence actually entail? We all know one person who is so smart, the term 'genius' just seems to fit them perfectly. But what are the actual traits of a genius and how do you know if you are one? Well, according to scientists, it’s actually quite…

6 Signs of Toxic People and How to Deal with Them

Toxic people are very common and can be found anywhere. It is, therefore, important to recognize the signs of toxic people to distance yourself from them before it's too late. In fact, it’s almost certain that we all have one in our lives – the grumpy co-worker, that gossiping aunty or…