10 Warning Signs You Have Lost Touch with Your Intuition

Being aligned with your intuition can reap benefits and guide you through life’s challenges. The ability to follow our intuition – to understand something instinctively without any reasoning – is something we are all naturally equipped with. Einstein himself defined it as ‘the only real valuable thing’. It can guide…

Do You Often Have Nightmares? It Could Mean You Are More Creative and Empathetic

We have all experienced dreams, but not everybody has consistent nightmares through the majority of their sleeping life. Whilst this may seem like a good thing to those who don’t suffer from nightmares, it can actually mean that sufferers are more likely to have positive dreams, as well as having…

Teaching Philosophy to Kids Makes Them Smarter, Study Finds

Teaching philosophy in schools has shown amazing results for children's cognitive and social skills. When one thinks of philosophy, children do not usually come to mind. After all, it’s a field of study that requires deep thinking and understanding of life. However, a “large, well-designed study” conducted by the Education Endowment…

3 Things Psychopaths Say to Make You Feel Crazy

Although many people think psychopaths are serial killers and mass murderers, it’s actually a term used for a personality type who fulfil basic non-violent criteria. Psychopaths are all around us, including our politicians, local business men & women and that person you sat next to on the bus this morning.…

5 Seemingly Modern Phenomena You Won’t Believe Are Actually Surprisingly Old

Some modern phenomena, which seem to be a product of the 21st century, may not be as modern as you might think. ‘History repeats itself’ may be one of the most overused phrases you’ll ever hear – and rightly so. It’s amazing as to the extent that humanity repeatedly recycles…