5 Profound Lessons Alan Watts’ Philosophy Teaches You about Life

Alan Watts' philosophy was nothing short of inspiring. Alan Watts was a 20th Century British philosopher known for popularising the Zen and Buddhist teachings in Western Society, moving them from a religion to a way of life. Writing over 25 books and holding over 400 lectures, Watts became one of…

5 Signs of Social Media Narcissism You May Not Even Notice in Yourself

Social media narcissism is the newest manifestation of vanity. With over two billion Facebook users, 500 million Instagram users and 300 million Twitter users, social media is by far the most popular online activity of the century. But, with all the sharing, liking and commenting, people are getting obsessed with…

The Deeper Causes of Procrastination No One Talks about

Procrastination is the enemy of an important goal, so we need to understand its causes before we can beat it. The causes of procrastination may seem simple, either you don't want to do it, or you keep getting distracted. Sometimes, it can be a little more complicated than that. One…

If You Get Emotionally Tired with These 5 Things, You Must Be an Introvert

Introverts seem to have it hard. Not only are they uncomfortable in crowded parties and busy places, but they can also become emotionally tired from it. I’m talking about a phenomenon called The Introvert Hangover. To put it simply, The Introvert Hangover comes from when we are overstimulated or overwhelmed, either…

What Is Socratic Questioning and How to Use It for Self-Analysis and Problem-Solving

Socratic questioning can help you reach a different conclusion to the questions you were asking. This can be useful when dealing with problems and insecurities. Aside from Plato, Socrates is one of the most famous Greek philosophers and is regarded as one of the wisest people ever to have lived.…

6 Things That Hide Behind Defensive Behavior and How to Deal with It

Defensive behavior can be detrimental in both personal and professional spheres. We typically perceive defensive behavior as an intentional slight or offense to us. But what we don’t realize is that we are also capable of unintentional offense. As human beings, we react to our environments and, when we feel…