What Is Projection Bias and How to Avoid It at Work

What you believe is true and what is actually true may not be the same thing, and this can lead us to projection bias. When you’re working on an important project or just working with others, it’s important to understand other people are different from ourselves. If we are focused…

The Backfire Effect: Why Is It So Difficult for Us to Change Our Minds?

We all suffer from biases in our own thinking, but the backfire effect is one of the most counterintuitive. What Is the Backfire Effect? Most of us tend to question our beliefs when we find evidence which doesn’t agree with them. The natural response to differing information is to adjust…

The Difference between Objective and Subjective Truth & the Illusion We All Believe

How do we know whether our truths are the real truths, or is the truth simply an illusion? What Is the Difference Between Objective and Subjective Truth? Truth is a continuous concept in all places, all situations, and at all times. However, what one person believes to be the truth…

Hot-Cold Empathy Gap: the Hidden Root of Judgments and Misunderstandings

If you have a hard time understanding the actions of others, you may be suffering from the hot-cold empathy gap. Psychologists are constantly trying to understand human behavior. However, it can be almost impossible to predict how an individual will act in a given situation. We can even struggle to…

10 Famous Introverts Who Didn’t Fit in but Still Reached Success

It is a common misconception that famous people are extroverted. In fact, some of the most famous and successful people are actually huge introverts. It seems as though every successful person knows how to be in the spotlight, speak eloquently and handle social situations perfectly. As a result, this can…