6 Spiritual Awakening Stages You Need to Go Through to Get to Your True Self

Have you been wondering about life and your true purpose recently? Do you ask questions like “Who am I?” or “What am I here for?” Perhaps you’ve experienced a traumatic event that’s made you reevaluate your life? Maybe something just feels wrong, or you believe there’s more to life? These…

9 Spiritual Signs You Met Your Soulmate (and What You Should Do!)

Are you wondering if you’ve met your soulmate? If you’re reading this article, I’m guessing you are. So, what’s been happening to make you wonder? Are you noticing weird coincidences? Is there someone you’re drawn to? In this article, I’ve compiled a list of 9 spiritual signs you met your…

11 Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do (and the Reasons Why)

The world has two types of narcissists: overt and covert. They both crave attention and praise, but in different ways. The overt narcissist is grandiose exhibitionist, entitled and extroverted in their behavior. A covert narcissist feels unworthy, lacks confidence, is full of self-doubt, and is more introverted. As a result,…

What Is Enmeshment Trauma Abuse? 6 Signs You Have Endured it

Enmeshment describes a blurring of roles within family relationships. Families should have clear roles such as caregiver, dependent, or the oldest/youngest child. Enmeshment trauma abuse occurs when these roles become blurred. Examples include children assuming a parental role, or parents acting as their child’s friend. The problem with unclear parental…

6 Triggers for Empaths and How to Protect Yourself

Empaths are highly sensitive people who can tune into other people’s feelings. Often called emotional sponges, empaths feel another person’s distress as if it were their own. They can easily burn out, becoming overwhelmed as they soak up emotional baggage. But what triggers an empath? Are certain situations more likely…

13 Signs an Avoidant Loves You (How to Decode Avoidant Behavior)

People with an avoidant personality yearn for love. However, their fear of abandonment often sabotages potential relationships. That’s not to say they can’t love. With an understanding partner, they can learn to trust, allowing themselves to open up and commit. That being said, could you spot the signs an avoidant…