58 Passive Aggressive Phrases Disguised as Polite

Passive-aggressive behavior is a way of expressing negative emotions like anger or annoyance through indirect ways like sarcasm, fake flattery, procrastination or ignoring someone. These negative emotions come across as passive aggressive phrases. For example, let’s say I always buy you a birthday present, and this year you forgot to…

You Were Raised by Emotionally Unavailable Parents If You Experienced These 25 Things

Does physical contact make you uncomfortable? Are you embarrassed by emotional outbursts? Do you wish you had more close relationships but you’re afraid of being abandoned? If you can relate to this, you may have grown up with emotionally unavailable parents, but these are the consequences. What are the signs?…

12 Dark Psychology Tricks Manipulators Use to Get Their Way

I’ve had the misfortune of meeting a few manipulative types in my life. One was my controlling-coercive ex-partner, and the other was a ‘friend’ that lied about practically everything. Each had their own techniques and tricks. My ex would undermine my confidence and isolate me. My friend was a pathological…