What Is Hostile Attribution Bias and How It Distorts Your Perception of Other People

Let me ask you a question. Here’s a scenario. You see a group of your friends huddled together and laughing. Suddenly, they see you and they stop. What would be your immediate reaction? Would you think they were laughing at your expense? Perhaps you imagined they were spreading malicious rumours…

The Lucifer Effect: Why Good People Do Evil Things, According to Psychology

It seems that we can’t turn on the news these days without hearing about another tragic mass shooting or the perverse exploits of a twisted serial killer. Typically, what connects these stories are the backgrounds of the offenders. Whether those close to the perpetrators noticed or not, the offenders had…

8 Types of Bullies and the Hidden Causes of Their Behavior

The physical scars might fade, but the mental scars caused by bullying can last for decades. If you are a victim of bullying, knowing that your tormentor belongs in a specific category may be no comfort. However, for researchers, it’s a different story. Identifying the precise characteristics of types of…

The Psychology of Road Rage Explained: Why Do We Get Mad When Driving?

Have you ever shouted obscenities at a passing driver for the smallest thing but felt completely justified? Are you usually mild-mannered but find that behind the wheel of a car you're a totally different person? You’re probably prone to road rage. But what causes it and why do normal people…

Schadenfreude and the Psychology of This Dark State That We All Experience

Schadenfreude. Morrissey nailed it when he wrote the song “We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful,” and you know what – I agree with him. There’s an instant feeling of warm satisfaction when someone you know didn’t get that important promotion, or they split up from their partner, or…