Survivorship Bias and 4 Examples of How It Can Distort Your Thinking

There are many cognitive biases that influence our decisions and judgements, but have you ever heard of survivorship bias? I hadn’t until I read about a particular problem and a very clever man who solved it. Survivorship Bias and WWII Fighter Planes Here’s the problem. It’s 1943 and we are…

The Psychology of Fight-or-Flight Response and How to Make It Work for You

Anyone who has suffered from anxiety or panic attacks will undoubtedly have heard of the fight-or-flight response. It’s a rush of adrenalin you get that prepares your body to flee a dangerous scenario or stay and defend yourself. So how can we use the psychology of fight-or-flight response to our…

Social Media Psychology Can Reveal Intriguing Things about Your Personality

Do you use social media? If so, what kind of things do you post? Pictures of your dinner, political statements, selfies, relationship updates? The majority of us use social media, whether it’s to talk about our kids, raise awareness for a cause or declare our undying love for our partner.…