7 Worst Serial Killers in History That Show How Dark a Human Mind Can Be

Before we start, I’d like to ask you a question. Why are you here? I don’t mean in the biblical sense. I mean, why are you interested in history's worst serial killers? Why do serial killers capture our attention? Is it because we simply can’t comprehend how they could carry…

6 Ways Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Struggle Later in Life

Mothers should put their children first and love them above everything else in their lives. But daughters of narcissistic mothers don’t get that precious love. As a result, they can struggle in later life. For the vast majority of us, our mothers are our primary caregivers. We learn about the…

Why You Need Assertiveness Skills and 5 Ways to Develop Them

Do you lack assertiveness skills? Do you know of a situation where assertiveness skills would have come in handy? You’re not alone! We’ve probably all had experience of a situation where assertiveness skills were useful. Perhaps you’ve put yourself out and ended up getting hurt because you didn’t want to upset…

3 Signs Your Right Hemisphere Is More Dominant and What It Means

Is your right hemisphere or left hemisphere most dominant? More to the point, what does it mean exactly? The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with creativity and imagination, whereas the left is associated with logic and reasoning. So, are you interested in science and maths or do you…

4 Unexpected Effects of Video Games That May Surprise You

It’s easy to make assumptions about the effects of video games. I mean, it makes sense to think that violent video games lead to higher rates of violence in real life. The reality, however, could be much simpler. For example, maybe aggressive people are simply drawn to violent video games?…