What Is Conversion Disorder and How to Tell If You Suffer From It

What is conversion disorder? Ever heard of conversion disorder? Neither had I, but for the people who suffer from it, the symptoms can be extremely confusing and debilitating. Conversion disorder, also known as functional neurological symptom disorder, is a condition where mental stresses and worries, in other words, psychological factors,…

What Is Imposter Syndrome and How to Know If You Suffer from It

What do Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, Kate Winslet and Mike Myers all have in common? They have all suffered from imposter syndrome. What Is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter Syndrome is a term to describe a feeling high achievers have when they cannot recognize their success and are afraid of being exposed…

4 Types of Difficult People and How to Distance Yourself from Them

We all have difficult people in our lives who drain our energy and time. The point is to learn how to distance yourself from them. Being around positive and encouraging people naturally makes you more positive and enables you to be the best that you can be. Likewise, if you…

Myers-Briggs Types of Personality and Their Greatest Strengths & Weaknesses

Myers-Briggs types are a popular classification of different types of personality. It uses one main principle at its core: do you prefer one trait over another? The Myers-Briggs types are based on 4 criteria: Extraversion/E or Introversion/I Sensing/S or Intuition/N Thinking/T or Feeling/F Judgment/J or Perception/P Much research has been carried…

What Is a Highly Sensitive Person and How to Find Out If You Are One

What is a highly sensitive person and what does it mean to be one? Before Elaine Aron coined the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) over ten years ago, people who had these characteristics were often wrongly diagnosed as neurotic, timid, or introverted. In her book ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’, Aron…