8 Reasons Gifted People Find It Hard to Be Happy

Being born gifted seems like a lucky break. However, there are problems that come with these talents that can make it hard for gifted people to be truly happy. History gives us many examples of gifted people who were often unhappy. From statespersons such as Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill…

4 Unusual Signs Of Intelligence That Show You Might Be Smarter Than Average

If you think you are smart, you might want to take an IQ test to prove it. However, science has recently discovered a few rather unusual signs of intelligence that you probably haven’t even considered. These 4 unusual signs of intelligence are... 1. You're politically liberal. Smart people tend to…

7 Things Your Higher Self Wants You to Remember (No Matter What Your Ego Says)

Our Higher Self is constantly trying to remind us of what really matters in our lives and what we came to earth to experience. However, often we are so overwhelmed by our everyday problems, worries, and anxieties that we lose touch with our Higher Self. It has our best interests at…

Why Introverts and Empaths Struggle to Make Friends (and What They Can Do)

Introverts and empaths often struggle to make friends. For an introvert, a friendship has to be meaningful. They aren’t interested in having large groups of acquaintances as they find this kind of social activity shallow. As an introvert or an empath, it can be tricky to make friends and find…