How Understanding the Five Thinking Styles Can Improve Your Chances of Success

Understanding how the five different thinking styles work can help you work better with others, communicate more effectively and achieve more. In Coping with Difficult Bosses, Robert Brahmson identifies five thinking styles we use most frequently. The five thinking styles are: Synthesist Thinkers Idealist Thinkers Pragmatist Thinkers Analyst Thinkers Realist Thinkers Synthesist…

7 Buddhist Beliefs That Make You Happy, According to Science

Buddhists have always known that the core Buddhist beliefs can make for happiness and contentment. Now science is suggesting they may be right. I always find it fascinating when new scientific discoveries prove things that religious and spiritual sources have been saying since time immemorial. Recently, science has found some…

6 Things Highly Sensitive Introverts Struggle with in the Modern World

Highly sensitive introverts are often overwhelmed by crowds, noise, heat, cold, food, smells, even certain fabrics - and it can be exhausting. Being a highly sensitive introvert can make life feel pretty uncomfortable. However, there are several things you can do to create a more quiet and comfortable space in…

6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most of Your Gift?

Understanding which of the 6 types of empaths you are can help you to make the most of your gift while still taking care of yourself. Empathy is the gift of being able to put yourselves in someone else’s shoes and feel things as if you were them. However, there are several…