6 Ways to Improve Your Cognitive Skills and Supercharge Your Brain

Improving your cognitive skills can make you more successful and happier. It can even make your relationships better and reduce your risk of dementia. So why not give these tips to improve your cognitive abilities a go? Our cognitive abilities are not fixed. While some of our intelligence is down…

6 Conversational Skills Every Introvert Can Master in Social Situations

Many introverts worry that they do not have good conversational skills. However, these skills, like any other, can be learned. This can improve your confidence in all social situations and help you develop meaningful relationships with the people around you. Having good conversational skills can be important in every area…

7 Signs Your Abstract Thinking Is Highly Developed (and How to Further Advance It)

Abstract thinking is the ability to think about things that are not actually present. People who think in an abstract way look at the broader significance of ideas and information rather than the concrete details. Abstract thinkers are interested in the deeper meaning of things and the bigger picture. Is your…

8 Small Talk Topics That Are a Living Nightmare for Every Introvert

Most introverts hate small talk. They would much rather have a meaningful conversation. Conversely, they can also feel pressured to reveal more about themselves than they would like in social situations. This makes most small talk topics a nightmare for introverts. However, small talk is often an essential part of getting…

10 Logical Fallacies Master Conversationalists Use to Sabotage Your Arguments

Have you ever lost an argument even though you knew you were right? Perhaps the other person made a claim that seemed perfectly logical. You may have been a victim of logical fallacies. Understanding these fallacies can make sure your arguments are never sabotaged again. Here are 10 logical fallacies you…