Gaia Hypothesis: Are All Living Beings on Earth Interconnected?

The Gaia hypothesis, or Gaia theory, is a hypothesis suggesting that everything which lives on Gaia interacts with their surroundings to form a symbiotic circle, where everything affects each other to continue the lifecycle of planet Earth. This hypothesis was first developed by a man called James Lovelock, helped by…

Facebook Depression: 5 Ways Facebook Could Be Secretly Making You Feel Bad

Since social media became more popular among people, there have been studies looking into any potential side effects of long-term use. Is there a link between depression and using Facebook? There are a lot of differing opinions on what social media can do to someone. This is becoming particularly evident…

5 Signs You Need More Personal Space (and How to Set Healthy Boundaries)

It’s always nice to have someone in your life, but we all need our personal space. Everybody has the right to set appropriate boundaries and have them respected. Remember that not everyone needs and wants the same thing out of a relationship. People have different ideas of what is good…

Should You Always Trust Your Gut? 5 Instances When You Need to Go with Your Instinct

Everybody says to always trust your gut, but nobody seems to know what that means, exactly. There are many phrases and sayings surrounding your own instincts and intuition. People say that they ‘had a gut feeling’ or tell you ‘always trust your gut’ when it comes to making important decisions.…

The Key Beliefs of Buddhism and What Life Lessons They Can Teach Us

The key beliefs of Buddhism come from its origins. Buddhism has grown to become the fourth largest religion in the world, from very humble beginnings. Let's first talk about the history of this religion. How Did Buddhism Start? The founder of Buddhism, Siddharta Gautama, was a prince from Eastern India.…

Spiritual Transformation Comes with These 6 Uncomfortable Symptoms

A spiritual transformation is a change – to a greater or lesser extent – to someone’s outlook, or to their attitude, towards spirituality and sacredness. Many things can trigger this spiritual awakening, from a simple event to a more complex unfolding of events over time. While some people may be…