OCD and Perfectionism: What Is the Difference between the Two?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD and perfectionism have become common words that people use to describe themselves, but what is the difference between them? Both look very similar to a family member, friend, or coworker on the surface level. However, they are very different in the ways in which people are…

How to Spot Personality Disorders in Children and What to Do to Help Them

Personality disorders in children are becoming a topic of discussion among the mental health community. Personality disorders are defined as patterns of inner experience and behavior that differ from the expectations of a person's culture. Reactions and behaviors are inflexible to this person, and they may not see other methods…

Schizoid Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Causes and Ways to Deal with It

Schizoid personality disorder is a very uncommon clinical diagnosis worldwide. The symptoms of this diagnosis have to do with the way in which a person perceives or thinks of the world around them. As a result, the person’s symptoms have the ability to affect his or her overall quality of…

How to Stop Bullying from Ruining Your Life: 4 Practical Steps

Most people have experienced bullying at one point or another. However, knowing how to stop bullying from running your life is what really matters. For some, it is just another insignificant memory from their college life. However, for most individuals out there, it amounts to a string of experiences that…

What Is Dependent Personality Disorder and What Are Its Psychological Causes

Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is a psychiatric diagnosed disorder found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It affects a small percentage of the people. Dependency is a needed characteristic for human survival, especially in childhood. It helps people to form emotional attachments and build relationships. However, when…

6 Things That Kill Self-Esteem in Children and What to Do to Boost It

Children's self-esteem can be negatively affected by certain things their parents do, without even realizing that. Are you guilty of any of these parenting behaviors? Self-esteem in children is much more vulnerable than it is in adults. For this reason, some early childhood experiences and parenting habits may have a…

4 Early Signs of Autism All New Parents Should Know

All new parents should be aware of the early signs of autism, given the growing prevalence of this condition among the children today. According to the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, around one in 59 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Parenting a child…