The Ultimate Paradox: Travelling Faster Than Light Without Travelling Faster Than Light

When Albert Einstein stipulated his theories on general and special relativity, he proved that travelling with the speed of light is the absolute limit any material object could achieve. Yet, in 1994, a Mexican scientist said that travelling faster than light was possible while Einstein’s theories would still hold true.…

Stephen Hawking: The Discovery of Higgs Boson Made Physics Less Interesting

Ok! When Stephen Hawking makes a statement, people usually listen carefully. At times, he has made some very curious statements, but who can deny the fact that he is arguably the biggest theoretical physics mind of the time. When the discoverer of the Hawking Radiation, the creator of the gravitational…

Electrical Brain Stimulation: Shocking Ourselves into Greatness

I heard an interesting podcast episode the other day from Radio Labs. It was called 9 volt Nirvana, and the guest Sally Adee spoke about a simulation training exercise used by DARPA. She was asked to aim, shoot, reload and continue on as a sniper for 20 minutes in this…

Cognitive Polyphasia or Why We Contradict Ourselves

Serge Moscovici, a French social psychologist, coined the term Cognitive Polyphasia in the 80s. Same guy behind the social representation theory (another interesting read). This seemingly innocent frame of mind is all about having contradicting thoughts and multiple frames of references to explain an event either to themselves or to other…